<span class="mx-1">I Gave Birth to a Villain’s Child </span> <div class="row m-0 py-1 px-0 border-top"> <div class="col-lg-9 col-xl-10">Karinne, the daughter of Viscount Tyrian, is on the verge of getting sold off as one of the lustful Count Dupo's concubines. After sleeping with a mysterious handsome stranger, Karinne gives birth to her son… all according to plan! After deeming his daughter worthless, he sells her off as a maid to the Grand Duchy. Losing the will to live she proceeds forward only to reunite with the man who she spent that fateful night with, the Grand Duke.</div> </div> <div class="row m-0 py-1 px-0 border-top"></div>
I witnessed the novel’s villain murdering someone – and even got caught witnessing it! I can practically hear the bell signalling the end of my life ringing. However, what he gave me was… “Marry me.” A ring. One with a huge gem at that! What’s going on here?! Is this not better than dying, My Lady? Let’s get married. My newly-wed life with the villainous lead begins now! 악역에게 청혼받았습니다 / I Got A Proposal From A Villain
I’ve gone into the body of ‘Ninaina’, the weakest character, who was fated to die once winter came! With such with weak stamina that it’s hard to even take walks, eat, or just stand, let alone exercise, I have such a tragic life that I even have to endure assassination attempts from my grandfather… “I will definitely recover my health!” “Kaiser” who comes to Ninaina’s side with a cold gaze. Receiving the order that he has to keep Ninaina alive, he comes to her side and protects her. “You will not die. For now.” 건강이 없습니다 / I Am Not Healthy
As someone who was transported from another world, Tang Ying considered herself to be someone kind since she was little. However, her fate was completely overturned because of a war. In order to avenge her dead father and brother, she used her martial art skills and intellect to infiltrate the dragoon brigade. However, despite looking like a pleb and ruffian, she attracted the attention of Commander Fu Chen of the dragoon brigade... Tang Ying successfully obtained a patron and even managed to carry a handsome man back home. She was doing extraordinarily well as a pleb!+
Sharon, is a warrior who defeated a vicious dragon a thousand years ago. One day, an unidentified man appears in front of Aru, who grew up longing for Sharon. \"What? Are you that terrifying dragon? Besides, I\'m that hero?!\" A cute and sad romance fantasy of a dragon and a hero who reunited after a thousand years!
The most talented girl in the kingdom, Roselia, is a scholar, fighter, and the apple of everyone's eye. Today happens to be the day of marriage to a childhood friend and now lover, Robert, the head of a ducal family. Everyone was congratulatory and enjoying the wedding, until...Robert's cute little sister Margaret was brought into the ceremony in tatters! Margaret was attending the Royal Academy and engaged to the prince. But he broke the engagement accusing her of a crime that was never committed, and ruthlessly beat her! Roselia is now furious at their disgusting treatment of Margaret, who did everything to clean up the prince's messes! But is Roselia really going to confront this corrupt royal court head on?!
I Just Want to be a Useless Duke’s Daughter with name The Bizarre Adventure of Miss Capricious Asterin, who has crossed into a fantasy novel to become the duke’s daughter, does not want to become the same character as in the original book, since her character was a shallow and love-obsessed girl. This rich and free-spirited girl, along with her two beloved cats, decided to ruin her reputation and throw away her money! However, one thing she wasn’t expecting was for one of her cats to be a dragon?! And so, under the protection of that great dragon, she began to accomplish many great achievements.
??? ?? ?? Summary: In Hercion Academy’s Magic Department, which trains the best wizards on the continent, lives Luciel, who is called the “iron-blooded assistant” and is recognized for her ability. What she’s hoping for is to become a professor and live a normal flowery life!!! But three men appear in front of her. Prince Lassen, a scheming prince with a cold heart. Ethan, the swordmaster who has a straight chivalrous spirit like the sunshine. Taylor, the most popular and cute genius in magic. It’s hard to achieve the dream of an ordinary life, but because of them, Luciel’s plan is becoming more difficult. 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<div class="description-summary hide_show-more"> <div class="summary__content show-more">The infamous murderer, ‘female devil’ Xia Zhi is tied to the full-time empress system. She traverses three thousand small worlds, subdues scumbags, flirts with men and fights for the position of empress! To wash away the sin of murder and resurrect, she prevents all kinds of poisonous women from becoming the empress and ruining their empire… 漫美映画</div> </div>
I only went to calm the disturbance in front of my house, but the one I encountered was the Demon King that I punished, and unfortunately, I was falsely accused of being the demon king and died in the hand of the subjugation team. ‘I’ll kick your ass, Pamel Asinov! I’ll make you shed tears from both of your eyes!’ Among them, the worst one was the hero, Pamel Asinov, who drove me to death as a Demon King! But when I pleaded to take revenge, I opened my eyes, 500 years later! Pamel’s been dead for a long time, and the ‘brothers’ who came one day… “Purple eyes. It’s not a color that anyone can have.” “But I was like this from the beginning.” “Yes, you were. Because you are the granddaughter of Archduke Asinov.” “…the granddaughter of Archduke Asinov?” Of all people, I’m the daughter of ‘that’ Asinov? It’s nice to live a peaceful life, but I was born an enemy’s blood! ‘All the brothers in this house have a habit of hugging people.’ This shitty family. I have to hate them, but why do I keep getting attached to them? 누가 우리 오빠들 좀 말려 주세요
Despite her lack of father, Louise lived happily with her mother. Then one day, with her mother’s death, her happy life came to an end. As her self proclaimed guardian, her uncle Benjamin, a scumbag who coveted her mother, took her in as his niece. The only rebellious thing that little Louis could do whilst in her uncle’s grasp was to kill herself. But for some reason, Louise returned to the year her mother died. The joy of meeting her mother again wasn’t able to prevent her death from repeating, so she left to find her father. Her mother’s words, “Dad is alive” were the only clue she had, and that would eventually change her fate in this life. I escaped from Benjamin and barely made it to my dad’s house… but he wasn’t the only one there…?
<span class="mx-1">I Picked Up the Second Male Lead After the Ending </span> I transmigrated inside the novel of my favorite character, the second male lead. A tsundere who listens to all the words of the female lead while grunting, with a straight forward personality, and a handsome face. Matching all my preferences, he was even single after the ending. Nice! I’ll pick up the second male lead! However, I overlooked one thing… The tsundere, who had been abandoned by the female lead blackened, and had become a terrifying man! “Get lost.” …I, Is it safe for me to pick up the second male lead?