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Vampire Next Door

Nana Jeong, a new tenant in My Home Flat located in Sillim-dong. Her grandmother is a skilled shaman, but Nana doesn’t have the ability to see ghosts and she hates superstition. Because she likes good-looking guys so much, she goes out with a lot of weird guys. She comes to her senses, decides to begin her new life and gets a room in a flat. Then, she falls for Cheolsu, a good-looking resident next door. She gets very affectionate towards Cheolsu, and he says something shocking. —Actually, I’m a vampire?'” Jesus, am I supposed to believe that?! Sillim-dong Vampire / Sillim Vampire / ??? ????


The Flower of Vampires

A breathtaking vampire romance depicting adventure and love in search of the legendary ‘vampire flower’. The vampire Louvre sets out in his quest with the human contractor, Seoyoung, appearing in the human world after 500 years.


It’s Hard To Mix In With The Demons

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The Meaning of You

Feeling hopeless in a cold-hearted society, I arrived in a different dimension, Altius Empire! It’s the first oracle in 32 years and there’s nothing I can do to meet the expectations of the Empire’s citizens. There’s nothing different in this world. The cold treatment is no different from the previous world. After a series of disappointments swept through, what came after was fatigue and lethargy. I don’t want to do anything. I’m not doing anything but I don’t want to do anything more intensely. Even so….. “What did you do all day long today?” Did he come here to criticize my guts with biting remarks? A language bomber with 10000 levels of shaming mental offense, Emperor Mikhail Dnar Altius. Why does he come to my room every day with a fresh look on his face? What’s this familiarity? Pardon me, but are you my mother? Ha, I’m not fond of the Emperor.


The Three Are Living a Married Life

On the night of her fourth wedding anniversary, moans were heard from her husband’s bedroom. “Tell me I’m better than her, come on.” It was the voice of her twin sister.


The Prince Regent’s Concubines

In her previous life, Lin Yaoyue was framed by her lover and relatives. After dying in vain, she woke up to find that she was reborn in her youth. Lin Yaoyue vowed to make the villains pay for what they've done, but what she didn't expect was that Murong Jin, her enemy in her previous life, had become her lover in this lifeHow Much Extent Did The Embroidered Moon Intoxicate The Willow In The PlaceJi Du Jin Yue Zui Gong Liumangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available. How Much Extent Did The Embroidered Moon Intoxicate The Willow In The Place, Ji Du Jin Yue Zui Gong Liu, The Prince Regent's Concubines, 几度锦月醉宫柳, 幾度錦月醉宮柳


Lost Princess

For as long as Olga can remember, she’s dreamed of setting sail and chasing down the hidden treasure that her father always told her about. But after her father and older brother go missing at sea, that dream seems like it too will be lost forever. That is, until pirates charge into her quiet English village, turning everything upside down! Now with a rag-tag team of sailors, can Olga finally unravel the mysteries of her family’s disappearance and discover the treasure she always dreamed of? Originally uploaded on


Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag

Tyrant Daddy summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Tyrant Daddy. If you have any question about this manga, Please don’t hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it. Tyrant Daddy Bàojūn Diēdiē De Tuán Chǒng Xiǎo Jiāo Bāo Tyrant Daddy’s Petite Bag 暴君爹爹的团宠小娇包


They say i’m the future king

The new era has come, and mankind embarked on a new adventure with all members. Everyone has functions similar to games. Xiu Xian and Xiu Mo have become two different career directions in the previous story. During a blind date, the protagonist learns that a new era is approaching, and after communicating with Tang Qingrou, who is on the blind date, he discovers the fact of the rebirth. Tamen Shuo Wo Shi Weilai Zhi Wang / They Say I Am The King Of The Future So They Prophesized, I’m the Future King manhua / 她们说我是未来之王


Please, I Really Didn’t Want To Fall in Love With My Master!

Li Ran traversed to another world and became the Holy Son of a Demon Way Sect. The system has awakened, and the first task released is actually to fall in love? The Sect strictly forbids relationships between men and women. Li Ran took the risk of being expelled from the Sect and wrote a love letter to his junior sister, but it was sent to the master by mistake! Bàituō, Wǒ Zhēn Méi Xiǎng Hé Zhǎng Mén Tán Liàn’ài Ah I Don’t Want To Fall In Love With The Sect Master Please, I Really Don’t Want to Fall in Love With the Sect Headmaster 拜托,我真没想和掌门谈恋爱啊


One Pair Lady

When I woke up from my sleep, my house had disappeared?! Adele, a gambling genius, suddenly transmigrates ten years into the future. Participating in a gambling event at the request of the tower master, Rudy leads her to meet the Duke of Elfinheim, the organizer of the event. A name that I seem to have heard somewhere, with a familiar pronunciation and appearance. What is this strange feeling? “Where’s the lady the Duke was looking for? “Aha, that rumored lady? “Yes. I heard rumors that the gambling ship itself is currently afloat only for that woman.” Besides, the rumored lady’s description is similar to mine?! One Fair Lady / 원 페어 레이디


Acidity of Regret

“I’m cursed to fall in love with you.” The most beautiful woman called the angel of the Angela Empire, ‘Vanessa Rohawk’. When her family collapsed overnight as traitors Who saved her was the owner of the Principality of Vincart and Vanessa’s lover. It was ‘Declen Vincart. “Vanessa Rohawk. Would you like to come with me?” He was salvation, he was light, he was love. As long as I could be by your side, I could endure any hardship I swore that not even death would ever separate us. This relationship should never have started in the first place. “Vanessa, you can never walk away from me without my permission.” 후회의 산미
