Ye Luo's six sisters are extremely proud of the sky. The eldest sister is at the top of the battlefield, a dominating force. The second sister's cultivation is outstanding, a generation of divine emperor. The third sister has countless divine beasts, the head of a family. The fourth sister is the one who can bring back the dead, the one who has the best hands. Fifth sister formation through the sky, no one dares to mess with. Sixth sister... and so on! And little sister, the daughter of the head of the villain also to be entrusted for life! Ye Luo: I really... too difficult! It's so hard to choose, wa ha ha ha ha ha! 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The protagonist, Liang, transmigrates to a world called the Great Wilderness. He was In a desperate situation, he accidentally awakens a system called the “Ze Bloodline System,” and everything changes from that moment! By infusing himself with the bloodlines of ancient divine beasts, the protagonist is able to gain immense power while gradually refining his own godly talents. Come! Fuse with the Ze Spirit bloodline!!! System: “Awakened bloodline—Water Monkey.” Protagonist: “???”
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Han Lee, a graduate student. Born as the youngest member of a famous magic family in another world. He vowed never to go to the place where the word \'school\' was written. The place where the resolution was headed to the colorless was the notorious magic school \'Einroguard\'. Self-sufficiency is the default, monster appearance is an option, and professors are all the same! The salty school life that I have never seen before begins. Can I... graduate safely?
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I was hit by a truck and transported to the world of a novel I had read. Unfortunately, I was possessed by Elenia Alfin, the evil woman from the novel, and the story begins with me sleeping in the same bed as the most loyal holy knight, Sir Rolento, if you know what I mean… I remembered from the novel, “If a holy knight has a relationship with a woman, he is stripped of his status as a holy knight,” so I decided to try to avoid it and pretend that nothing had happened between the two of us. Then, Rolento said something shocking: “Please, take responsibility for stealing my virginity.”
I was hit by a truck and transported to the world of a novel I had read. Unfortunately, I was possessed by Elenia Alfin, the evil woman from the novel, and the story begins with me sleeping in the same bed as the most loyal holy knight, Sir Rolento, if you know what I mean… I remembered from the novel, “If a holy knight has a relationship with a woman, he is stripped of his status as a holy knight,” so I decided to try to avoid it and pretend that nothing had happened between the two of us. Then, Rolento said something shocking: “Please, take responsibility for stealing my virginity.”
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