Demon - Page 11

Discover top manga Demon with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Demon manga free online today!

268 results

Manadeshi ni Uragirarete Shinda Ossan Yuusha, Shijou Saikyou no Maou to Shite Ikikaeru

The hero, Fried, confronts the demon lord with his student, Lyle. Fried killed the demon lord after a ferocious battle. “I\'m going to put an end to this war!” Just as he was about to finish off the demon lord, he is betrayed by his student who attacked from behind. Fried, who was supposed to be dead, wakes up next to a demon girl who calls him the demon lord for some reason. It seems that Fried has risen as the new demon lord and will now have to protect the demonkind under his command while fighting his former comrades - [Webnovel Link](


Shounin Skill de Maoujou no Kouryaku wo Mezasu ~Isekai Tenishita no de Saikyou Item to Tookujutsu de Ikinuku to ni shita~

One day, Sota, a university student, is summoned to another world! Moreover, after being summoned, he was mistaken for a hero and imprisoned in the Demon King\'s Castle, where he was in a desperate situation...! Sota gets through the predicament with his natural skill, but for some reason he ends up solving the embarrassing problem of Fafnir, a super beautiful demi-human...!? Win the hearts of the demi-human girls living in Demon King\'s Castle and aim to escape from Demon King\'s Castle! A fantasy romantic comedy that opens up a different world with its natural business spirit, begins!


Noah's Contract: I'm an NPC in Another World

Players, this is a continent overrun by monsters. Danger lurks everywhere, so please make full use of your talents and help us eliminate the monster army. What? You ask who I am? I’m just an NPC.


Metropolitan City’s Ying Yang Miracle Doctor

Lin Xiu returned from Xiandao, swaying the masters of each road with a proud attitude. With immense medical knowledge of both the spiritual world and the Physical World. Watch as Lin Xiu solve problems for the everyday life, and the supernatural. What? Someone is making trouble? Not satisfied? Are you someone important? Screw you then, I step on people like you just for fun, money? Power? 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Yuusha no Haha desu ga, Maou-gun no Kanbu ni Narimashita

I lost my husband in an accident two years ago and became a single mother, and one day I was summoned to another world with my son. The humans who summoned us called my son a hero and wanted him to fight the resurrected Demon King. It’s ridiculous to have my son, who is in still his first year of junior high, fight against monsters! Strongly opposing this, I was treated as an obstacle and left alone in a monster’s den. Though I was powerless and already resigned myself to death, it was the demons, who were supposed to be enemies of humans, who saved me. As I spent time together with them, my feelings for the demons grew, but peaceful days do not last long. The only weapons I had to resist against the numerous challenges that faced me were my cooking abilities and my quick wit. \"I won’t die until I meet my son!\" Laboring away with this thought in mind, I had become one of the upper echelons of the demon king\'s army before I knew it.


Miss Ghost, No Snuggling Please!

Lan Ting, a Daoist, unexpectedly encounters a thousand-year-old ghost and somehow ends up tangled in a fated love ordeal?! Now this lil\' ghost clings to her all day, constantly asking for hugs and kisses, even saying she smells good?! A Daoist being shamelessly flirted with by a ghost—what kind of situation is this?! Aren’t Daoists supposed to be detached from emotions? Is it really okay to be this lovey-dovey with a ghost? Lan Ting: \"Why are you running? Weren’t you the one who wanted to sleep with me?\" Jiang Si: \"Weren’t you the one who said humans and ghosts can never be together? No snuggling, remember?\"

1 days ago

A Thousand Year Engagment

A thousand-year engagement between a human and a demon may sound like a fairy tale, but it’s Alex’s living nightmare! Abducted and taken to a strange land, Alex learns she must marry the demon Prince Orias to bring peace to both of their worlds. There’s just one problem: she and the prince can’t stand one another! Will this stubborn human and prideful demon be able to work together to end the engagement once and for all? Or will their quest to avoid the altar lead to love?


Level Up with the Gods

“Maybe Inner Gods can never defeat Outer Gods…” so thought Yuwon Kim, a plucky, high-ranking warrior, after a bitter defeat. But Yuwon is too tenacious to give up. His loss becomes the dawn of a new journey as a returnee. With renewed determination, Yuwon starts back from where he began, smashing monster after monster and relearning his skills before taking on the Tower once again. But can he fight his way through the tutorials and level up once more, or will his conquest crumble before him? --- - [Webtoon Trailer]( - [Original Webtoon ]( --- - [Official Simplified Chinese Translation]( - [Official Japanese Translation]( - [Official Thai Translation](

3 days ago

Intai Maou wa Yuuyuujiteki ni Kurashitai

The \"former strongest Demon King\" Sigurd has retired! Now, he\'s living a relaxing slow life in the countryside, hiding his identity. But then, an \"absolutely unforgiving\" female hero, Rita, arrives!! In the peaceful and gentle village surrounded by nature, they find themselves being chased for their lives, sleeping in the same bed, and fighting together...!?


Netachara-Tensei Toka Anmarida!

Toru Aikawa, a college student who spends his days immersing himself in games because his daily life is so boring, was standing alone in a forest in a different world before he even could realize why. Moreover, it seems that he has reincarnated into the \"Neta character\" he made in a game. The Genderswap reincarnation of the strongest heroine packed with overflowing Chuunibyo and ideals! The strongest genderswap reincarnation fantasy begins here !! --- **Note:** A Neta character is a character whose action has captured the hearts of viewers and players and has been turned into a important part of the story.


Babysitting the Male Lead

I somehow took over the body of a villainess in a novel. Originally, I was supposed to die after coveting the male lead, but instead, I decided to become a rich unemployed woman and enjoy a life full of pleasures. \"You said you wanted to raise a puppy, so this brother went to hunt one for you. How\'s your brother\'s hunting skills?\" Until my brother came back after hunting the male lead who had turned into a wolf… – Having been forced to look after the male lead, I somehow succeeded in taming him after many twists and turns. Now all that\'s left is to look for this mysterious female lead and hand over the leash, then it will be all over. But… \"Have you become tired of me?\" \"No, not at all.\" \"Then why do you keep trying to send me to a strange person?\" Maybe it\'s because he has stayed with me for too long, but it seems he has lost his social skills and has also developed separation anxiety. \"That person is someone very important to Your Highness.\" \"The only person who is important to me is you.\" \"Are you sure?\" \"Yes, because I\'ve imprinted,\" he whispered and curved the corner of his eyes, \"on you.\" The half-bent, bright yellow eyes were brimming with obsession. --- Rosetta Kazel is enjoying her life as the villainess of a novel, until she\'s given a silver wolf to be her new pet. Rosetta knows this is none other than the cursed male lead of the novel, Prince Sihael von Idris, who\'s become stuck in his wolf form! To follow the novel, all Rosetta has to do is look after the wolf prince until the female lead can show up. But what if events have changed so much from the novel that she never turns up? How long will Rosetta be stuck caring for this unruly pup? --- [Original Novel]( **Original Webtoon:** [Daum](, [KakaoPage](
