Shuu Abe wakes up in a strange place—at the fiftieth underground floor of the Ootsuka Metro, a labyrinth of metro beasts. The city of Tokyo has been transformed by the "Metro Overflow" and the "Super Fungus Pollution" for the past 100 years. "It's like you were thrown into the last floor of the dungeon at level 1..." But even so, Shuu and his partner, the chipmunk (Carbuncle race) Tamiko, stand up for themselves. They eat the Sporangium of defeated metro beasts to level up and learn "fungal skills." From the weakest to the top, this is the beginning adventure of one person and one small animal. "New Tokyo," the land of thread people, has been rebuilt after the catastrophic collapse of the "Tokyo Tribunal." This is the adventure of a hunter spun into a new world.
Noel, a youth who admires his grandfather, who was hailed as a hero, and aspires to be the strongest Seeker.But his Job that appeared in the appraisal, was the support class Talker.Talker is a peaky job with the weakest individual abilities. A job that could never become the strongest.If I create the strongest clan and become the clan master, then I’ll essentially be the strongestThinking that, Noel worked hard persistently to fulfill his ambition.On the other hand, the merciless methods he employed for the sake of his ambition were acknowledged by everyone as the path ofevil.However, Noel’s distinct talent attracted many powerful people and they began to gather under himThis is the story of how the most evil Talker, who seeks to be the strongest, subdues his allies and creates the strongest clan in the world.
A man in armor with the power of darkness, Ares the Dark Knight, was heading to the Demon King\'s Castle as a member of the Brave Party. Hoping to defeat the Demon King and make a triumphant return to the hometown of Lulua, the hero\'s wise younger sister... And in the midst of the final battle, just as Ares delivers a dark blow... with signs of being taken somewhere, out of nowhere something takes you to another world. It feels like you\'ve been caught up in a battle royale, in which strong people from various worlds participate!? To return to the original world with Lulua, who was separated, the dark knight Ares fights. The story of trying to be the strongest in another world begins
An adventurer named Ed was exiled from his party because he was considered useless, but instead of being sad and upset he was actually happy!!? It turns out that it\'s not without reason that he feels happy when he\'s exiled from his party, because every time he\'s been exiled he will receive a skill that makes him even more invincible... Ed was given the crazy test of having to get expelled from 100 Hero parties in 100 different worlds before he could return to his original world. Finally a mysterious and divine entity said that he had achieved all the conditions to return to his original world. However, as a final condition he is asked “Look at the fate of one of these exile worlds after you left.” and he is shocked by what he sees. “Okay, I’ll do it! I’ll go down to these 100 worlds again and be banished with a good feeling!” Ed takes on a new challenge to make full use of the super-powerful “Exiled Skills” that were granted each time he was exiled, and this time ensure they all have happy endings. ___ **Character Designer:** [GreeN](
A college student, Hiroki Nishina, was introduced by his senpai to a part-time job in the light novel editorial department of a publishing company, but on his first day of work, he was somehow transported to another world(?).
Cheng Shan, a mysterious one-armed young man, travels around the world with his companion, a young girl named Ming Cai, in search of a miraculous medicine, the "Faded Dragon Scale". The theft of the black umbrella from the imperial palace resulted in heavy sins. Due to past relations to the black umbrella, Cheng Shan and Ming Cai decide to search for the black umbrella and recover it. However, after several twists and turns where their lives were in danger, they find that the matter is not as simple as they thought. Will Cheng Shan finally be able to unravel all mysteries and distinguish good from evil? Will he be able to escape unscathed from the lethal threats and dangers lurking in every corner, and eventually find the Faded Dragon Scale? dragon? Or, is there a greater conspiracy behind this? In this life, he is destined to be unable to hide and have no other option but to fight with his life because he is... 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It's the Century of Darkness where monsters known as Vandels rule the world, and the Vandel Busters are the only ones who can fight them. When a group of Busters are killed in battle, they pass on their magic Saiga weapons to Beet, making him the strongest Buster ever. But Beet won't just fight the Vandels—he wants to destroy them and finally end the Century of Darkness.
With his temptation powers, corrupt the most powerful princesses! A limit-breaking war fantasy story. Original Webcomic
After losing all magical powers, Bing Yuanzi was caught by a female disciple with ulterior motives. Witnessing a disciple she had painstakingly raised harboring malicious intentions, the master drank the last vial of a transformative potion, intending to erase her own existence. Unexpectedly, instead of disappearing, she became the legendary natural beauty, with allure and beauty reaching maximum levels. At the same time, the next words from her female disciple sounded behind her: “Master, you wouldn’t want your loss of magical powers to be known by our enemies, would you?
Amona, a dark summoner and demi-human who uses demonic powers, is the newest addition to the party of the uptight priest Roni. Everyone expected the two to dislike each other and to have nothing to do with each other. But to their surprise, on their first day together as an adventuring party, they had a one-night stand...!
Joey and her husband, F, couldn’t be any more different. Joey is bubbly and charming while F is quiet, elusive, and downright cold sometimes. When Joey’s company assigns her to work on a project that’ll inspire people to reminisce on their youth, she decides to write a book about her own, and it turns into a memoir of her and F’s love story. As Joey looks back on how she met F, it’ll take her on a memorable journey through her life, first love, and how the “Ice Man” became the warmest person she knows.
Living in a world infested with monsters is hard enough, but doing it without powers? That’s Hanyeol’s life in a nutshell. Fearsome beasts roam the earth and kill everyone in their path. Elite members of society called the Awakened mobilize to protect humanity with their supernatural abilities. Amidst it all, Hanyeol is just a poor porter, tasked as sideline support. But when a benevolent being gifts him with special abilities, he’s ready to harvest all the loot and take it to the next level! --- - [Original Webtoon ]( --- - [Official Japanese Translation]( - [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](