Star Ring is a Japanese inspired shounen series that takes place in the genre of fantasy and thriller. The story follows Niko Akai and Zane Maximus of the Star Ring Federation as they embark on a secret mission to investigate the murders of Arcadia, unknowingly being watched by evil they can not comprehend. As the story continues, as the truth of the murders is unraveled, the Star Ring Federation comes to a realization that there is more truth to be sought after.
Mitsuki's a high school freshman worried about her looks--or, at least, her "baby face". Until, that is, she enlists a little help from classmate Atsuki and her makeup kit. When Atsuki's finished, the transformation is complete--and breathtaking. It's also when the romantic adventures begin--a roller coaster ride of the heart that young and old are sure to enjoy.
From Project Bite Me! Scanlations: The creator of Baoh and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure presents a manga about magic and mysteries! You'll meet him at 13:13 pm, on Friday the 13th. He'll do an uncanny intro where he plays a trick on you! And wherever he goes, trouble seems to always follows. Who is this person that creates such incidents? None other than Cool Shock BT!
The story is set in U.C. 0170, during the events of Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Dust. The story follows Curtis Rothko, and is once again set in the Jupiter Sphere.
Universal Century 0121: A battle known as the First Oldsmobile War erupted on Mars. The Earth Federation Forces 13th Experimental Combat Group thought they had quelled the Mars Independent Zeon Forces. But the battle for the Fastest Formula is far from over! A new tale from the F90FF begins on Mars... Where all Formulas converge!
From AnimeNewsNetwork: She calls herself Sexy Voice. To most of the world, she's just Hayashi Niko, an ordinary schoolgirl - but when time permits, she lives a double life as a hired investigator/spy. To help her, she has recruited the rather unlikely assistant she calls Robo, a geeky lump of a man who doesn't really know why he feels the need to do everything she tells her to. He just does it. Together, the odd team solve a number of cases for Sexy Voice's employer, an aging gangster.
In Kyoto, in the late 1800s, the son of a local book-binder, Kyujuro Fukakusa sees his father murdered before his eyes and vows revenge. In his quest for justice, he answers the recruitment call of the Shinsengumi (or "The new squad") a newly-formed special brigade of samurai loyal to the shogun. There he meets fellow recruit and proficient swordsmen, the enigmatic Daisuke Kamakiri. Despite the gap in their fighting skill levels, the two forma close bond, but can it survive the age of upheaval that is descending on "The Wolves of Mibu?" (from**Volume 11 of the Osamu Tezuka Complete Works**
In an alternate Earth, the armies of the Imperial Alliance have ravaged the entire Europan continent in 1935 EC in the Second Europan War. In the middle of the war, the army invades Gallian territory to acquire a mineral known as ragnite. Standing in their way is a recently drafted militia officer named Welkin Gunther, son of known Europan War I hero Belgen Gunther.
In an important Latin American city that has been hit by a huge economic crisis, a young man named Daniel Suit meets a stranger who offers, in his words, “a state enterprise” to defeat a network of clandestine battles...
Chronicles the life of the four more prominent pilots of the Zeon Principality before and during the One Year War: Mission.1 - Johnny Ridden Mission.2 - Shin Matsunaga Mission.3 - Elliot Rem Mission.4 - Thomas Kurtz March 0078, Thomas Kurtz, an Earth Federation test pilot is testing mobile suits when the war broke out.
Celebrating 20 years of *Gundam SEED*! The official *SEED* side story that will add new garnish to the Cosmic Era has begun! In the 72nd year of Cosmic Era, there existed the Orb force \"ODR,\" which struggled during this period that would later be called the \"two blank years.\" Here are the unknown exploits of the ODR, who drove the new transformable unit Eclipse. The new *SEED* spin-off begins!