Sakura, a girl who has difficulty making friends. Hanayo, a girl belonging to a literature club of which she is the only member. Yuriya, a girl who seems to have a kind of one-sided rivalry with Sakura. Koyuki, a girl with a rather quiet character. These girls with totally different personalities unexpectedly cross paths when all four join their school\'s literature club!
Youth, friendship, and social justice!
Sugoi Ten Fes is focused on the N-rarity members who topped the popularity poll: Shizuku Ōsaka, Kanata Konoe, and Emma Verde
Get to know the operators with Amiya and the Doctor!
\"When I woke up this morning there was a beautiful girl, but that was… me!?\" - Idol Otaku Aisaka Yousuke wakes up one morning and realizes he\'s now a beautiful girl named Aisaka Yoko. Now with his new appearance and his great Idol knowledge, he will attempt to become the number one idol.
Three-part guest series publishing in Manga Time Kirara. Kuruma Suuna, a gloomy and socially awkward girl, begins her high school dorm life only to discover her new roommate, Hamanasu Ruka, flirting with another girl!
When it comes to the face of this student organization, it\'s a little weird, like a fool, scary, or moody. However, mysterious and futuristic days that seem strangely cute pass by. The world\'s cutest daily life 4 frames presented by a little genius Muchimaro!
It\'s a story of cute idols and their Producer. Kotone-chan is cute! A compilation of Gakumas doujin manga.